Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Judge Dee Doling Justice in the Epidemic Ravaged Capital

I am reading a topical gong'an novel by Robert van Gulikset in the Tang Dynasty. The Emperor and his court had abandoned the capital for fear of the epidemic, leaving Judge Dee as supreme authority of the diseased city. As usual, mysterious assassinations occupy Judge Dee's mind, while directing the washing out of the rat-infested sewers and repressing with deadly barbed iron arrows the famished populace assaulting the City Granary. Over this background, three decadent clans are entangled in fierce rivalry over Porphyry, a "virgin" prostitute. In the strictly policed Imperial China, carrying firearms and cutting weapons is prohibited, girls carry hidden iron balls on chains, 流星錘 , which they use with mortal effect. I have not finished yet, so cannot reveal who is the assassin and its motive. I am looking forward to learn the refined torture methods applied by Judge Dee to the suspects. 

P.S.: Happy End. All the rich people involved and their wives have been decapitated by Judge Dee and their fortunes divided between the Tribunal, the Judge and his faithful assistants. The rain washed off the capital's dirt, the epidemic disappeared and the survivors returned to their former business. 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

How is that no one is destroying statues in Israel?

This destructive question is discussed in a full page by the fishwrap HaAretz and offers an illustrated list of candidates that, according to the left, should be eliminated from Israeli history books and streets. Who are they?  "Gandhi", for example, an Iraqi Jewish patriot, who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists. Yair Stern, the  founder of the Irgun, the forerunner of the Likud party now in power, who was shot in cold blood by the British Colonial Police. (left: 1000 pounds prize offered for his head). And other patriots like them. HaAretz anti-Jewish paper would love to provoke fire and chaos like the Blacks are causing in America. Apparently they imagine that a civil war in Israel would result in their benefit. 

If you google Yair Shtern, you will be surprised to be shown many Black women with flowers.  

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Epidemic in the United States

40 526 new cases today in America, according to the WHO. The stress on the society's fabric must be enormous. Hope the American society is robust enough to survive without lasting damage. Anatoly Karlin thinks that  the US is now destroying itself on account of some crazed leftists exploiting invented minority grievances, and the likely election of Biden – who is less economically progressive than even HRC in 2016 – promises renewed infighting between the neoliberal/centrist Dem elites and socialist insurgents, as conservatives skunk away to the corner. The chaos isn’t going to end any time soon. Not good.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Steven Hsu Recants

I am disappointed with Prof. Hsu's reaction vis-a-vis his accusers. He writes in his blog:

The trouble began June 10, when MSU’s Graduate Employees Union composed a lengthy Twitter thread denouncing Mr. Hsu as, among other things, “a vocal scientific racist and eugenicist.” The union claimed Mr. Hsu believes “in innate biological differences between human populations, especially regarding intelligence.”

Hsu's reaction:


and so and so. Having followed Hsu for decades, it is obvious that he knows (and he may be among the best informed) about IQ differences among populations. Why is he denying the obvious? Moreover when he is right and he knows it. 

He is a rich man and could afford losing his position of tenured professor. What is to be afraid of? He could have counterattacked and accuse the Graduate Employees Union to be after his job or for substituting him by a corrupt/corruptible/flexible administrator that would fear and favor the accusers. 

I know, it is easy for me to speak when I am not in his shoes. Pic.: Galileo recanting at the Inquisition. He did not want to be an Heretic and burned. It is vexing that this is happening today and in an American university. 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

El Negro: A Stuffed African exhibited in European Museums

The story of El Negro begins with Jules Verreaux, a French dealer in "naturalia", who in 1831 explored the African interior. With the help of metal wire acting as a spine, wooden boards as shoulder blades, and stuffed with newspapers, Verreaux prepared and preserved the body of the warrior. Then he shipped him to Paris, along with a batch of stuffed animals in crates. In 1831 the African's body appeared in a showroom at No 3, Rue Saint Fiacre.
In a review, the newspaper Le Constitutionnel praised the fearlessness of Jules Verreaux, who must have faced dangers "amid natives who are as wild as they are black". This article set the tone, and the "individual of the Bechuana people" attracted more attention than the giraffes, hyenas or ostriches. "He is small in posture, black-skinned, and his head is covered in woolly frizzy hair," the newspaper said.

More than half a century later, El Negro popped up in Spain. In the world exhibition in Barcelona in 1888, the Spanish vet Francisco Darder presented him in a catalogue as "El Betchuanas", complete with a drawing in which he is seen wearing raffia finery and holding a spear and a shield. Only recently was recognized that he is a real human being and was returned to his homeland. 

The Hungarian Houses in Jerusalem

Batey Ungarin is small neighborhood in Jerusalem, peopled by religious Jews that settled here a century ago. Mostly, they live from donations of rich American Jews. The apartments are very small. When I arrived in Israel went to visit my uncle Moishi Abelesz and was surprised by the modesty of his place. He let me see old pictures of the family in pre-WWII Hungary, my grandparents and uncles. Very friendly. But I was then inflated with myself, having made a lot of money in Nigeria. I felt uneasy with Jewish poverty. I should have asked for a room then and there, and a schidduch. But I did not and the past cannot be changed.  

The Black Prophet Frantz Fanon

Fidel Castro and Che Guevara sailed from Mexico on the Gramma to liberate Cuba while I was in high school. Fanon, a Caribbean Black intellectual, was the prophet of decolonization. His books were sold on the streets and discussed in leftist youth circles. As a practicing psychiatrist Fanon explained the need for violence and chaos in the de-colonization process, that only violence can destroy the colonized's mental pain and recreate a new, free man. He fought in Algeria against the French. which was one of the last anticolonial, anti-European rebellions.

His ideas made a lasting impression but he is never mentioned today. In our days promoting violence is taboo and would be censured everywhere. Yet his idea that for a humiliated, colonized subject the only way to psychologically liberate himself is through violence, makes some sense. By fighting he becomes a man and recovers his self respect. It may seem incredible today, when teaching in an university in the occupied territories am totally considered a colonizer, that in those times, the sixties, I had been a Galut Jewish youth, a refugee (a real one) living in a hostile society, I saw myself belonging to an oppressed minority and Fanon's books spoke to me. When somebody wrote on the college's wall "Haga patria, mate a un judio" (Be a patriot, kill a Jew) - well, I felt that Fanon was right. That was then, today I am a free man.