Sunday, August 25, 2019

Black August

This summer is hot and difficult for me in Israel. I can hardly focus and work. Yesterday I spent three hours in a meeting in the Ministry in Ramla, while my subject was not even touched. I sat and learned about Listeria and food factory planning. I am having a bad bad day. This morning I had an important meeting and I forgot it.

The bourse is falling all over the world, Trump's trade war is upsetting the world's monetary system, which anyway was unsustainable. America was being bled white, the industry was moving to China. It is a financial storm and I feel powerless even to try to understand it.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

New Cuban Missile Crisis,This time in Romania

I am old enough to remember the Cuban Missile Crisis, when Russia positioned nuclear missiles in the Island of Cuba, close range from Washington. Kennedy received a nervous fit and forced Hrushchov to take them back. Fifty years after, America is positioning short range nuclear missiles on the Soviet border, creating a mortal threat to Moscow and tightening an already tense situation. Craig, an anti-Semitic politician, describes the new situation and blames … Romania.

"After falsely accusing Russia of violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), Washington unilaterally repudiated the treaty. Thus did the US military/security complex rid itself of the landmark agreement achieved by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev that defused the Cold War... resurrecting the specter of nuclear war by the deployment of US missiles on the borders with Russia."

Friday, August 23, 2019

Farewell to illusions

Clark's book The Farewell to Alms shows that the population of England underwent selection in the last thousand years, as the upper middle class replaced the lumpen that died off. Clark bases his conclusions on the systematic study of family names, a method that seems rather unreliable to me. Ashkenazi Jews had no family names, for example. But the English are different.

Now I am reading that Iceland was settled a thousand years ago by a 50% Norwegian and 50% Irish population. However, the current genetic composition is 75% Norwegian and 25% Irish. There was differential selection, just like Clark discovered.

These results are applicable to every group of humans. Extract your own conclusions. Keep it quiet. 

The tongue is the best

A small cave in Gibraltar called El Sidron was the hiding place of the last surviving family of Neanderthal humans. The bones of the twelve show that they had been surprised by cannibals, cut into pieces, their skulls broken to extract the brain, and their mandibles scratched with flint knives by someone intent in devouring their tongues. Neanderthals had red hair and were heavy, up to 200 kg. We know the identities of the cannibals: they were you and me. Africans are innocent, their alibi is that they were at that time far away in Africa. 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Persistance of Lead Contamination

My interest in lead contamination started with the "National Emergency" of Flint, Mich. some year ago. The more I learn about the issue, it appears more and more dramatic. Lead persists in the environment forever, and it not only reduces IQ but also fertility. Surprisingly, it is a Catholic religious blog has an excellent article on the subject, while the professional water media almost never deals with it. I always considered Catholicism as the most intellectually satisfying religion, more than Judaism (I am a Jew but not because the intellectual worth of the Talmud but because my ancestors were all Jews and so shall I die too) and incomparably more rational than the Islam.  Why are Catholic padres worried about lead instead of counting the angels dancing on a pin?

Lead pollution provides an entire suite of family planning services—everything from puberty delay to male and female fertility reduction to chemical abortion. Indeed, colonial-era commentators recommended lead as an abortifacient. In Flint, Michigan, lead pollution has increased fetal death by perhaps as much as 50 percent and reduced overall fertility by more than 10 percent. A study of a temporary lead spike in Washington, D.C. showed similar results: huge increases in fetal death rates and substantial declines in birth rates. But most people probably assume that, despite a few crises in a few places, their childbearing plans are safe from lead-related problems.

Most people are wrong. Recently, a working paper titled “Toxic Truth: Lead and Fertility,” published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, used air-pollution data from the 1970s and 1980s to demonstrate that the presence of lead molecules in the air altered local fertility rates in those decades. Later, the reductions in lead emissions brought about by environmental regulations raised the national birth rate by about 6 percent

The comments section is worth reading too

Did the Romans' exposure to lead, not only in the water supply, but in pewter drinking vessels, cosmetics and even from wine sweetened with lead acetate affect fertility levels?
There are probably too many variables to say, but it is certainly true that the birth-rate was a matter of concern to Augustus and the other Julian Emperors, as witness the Lex Julia de maritandis ordinibus and the Lex Papia Poppaeia, which restricted or extinguished the inheritance rights of unmarried (coelebs) or childless (orbi) people and transferring them to the heirs or legatees with children. Again, it is remarkable how, of the 311 Patrician houses mentioned by Livy, only nine survived into the Augustan age.
That there was a fall in population is certain.

Pic.: Spices and herbs and ceremonial powders and alternative medicine remedies imported from South East Asia have very high - dangerous levels of lead. You have been warned. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Trump the Puppetmaster

Trump sent out a short tweet that suggests that the USA vs China trade war may not turn into WWIII. The world financial markets, depressed for the whole last week, suddenly received an injection of adrenalin and NASDAQ is jumping 1%. The whole world has been hypnotized by Trump and is trying anxiously to read his lips. That's power. Yesterday I commented to my wife that TEVA seems to be bankrupt, closed my eyes and visualized TEVA's worldwide distribution network and asked myself: If that is not a moan, what is a moan? and bought more of the same. Today there were some good news about its former opium pushing business and lifted strong.

I am working hard. Remembering Trotsky's comment that he felt most happy in the prison cell where he was incommunicado while well supplied with paper, ink, journals and books, and he could write all day and night. I have the same temperament.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

HaAretz fishwrap horrorized: Israeli college separates girls from boys !

Today's Front Page news. 

Image result for much ado about nothingHaAretz discovered a college that against Ministry of Education's orders has separate sitting arrangements for male and female students. Myself attended the all male Mariano Moreno college in Buenos Aires, and the girls went to the mysterious Liceo Numero Tres a few blocks down street.

If all the progress achieved by humanity in the last fifty years is mixed colleges, well, I for one don't see much or any progress. So much ado about nothing, so much fury and fuss over a trifle.