Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Oracle's Latest חוכמה

 In 1958, Phil Fisher wrote a superb book on investing. In it, he analogized running a public company to managing a restaurant. If you are seeking diners, he said, you can attract a clientele and prosper featuring either hamburgers served with a Coke or a French cuisine accompanied by exotic wines. But you must not, Fisher warned, capriciously switch from one to the other: Your message to potential customers must be consistent with what they will find upon entering your premises. At Berkshire, we have been serving hamburgers and Coke for 56 years. We cherish the clientele this fare has attracted.

Friday, February 26, 2021


Following the American airstrike against Iranian targets in Syria, Ninth Air Force (Air Forces Central) Commander, Lt.-Gen. Gregory M. Guillot completed his first visit to Israel on Friday. Guillot was hosted by his Israeli counterpart, Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force, Maj.-Gen. Amikam Norkin.  The scene reminds me of the Warsaw Pact general visiting Budapest, with the difference that the Russians were the hated occupying army of Hungary.

It is bad to lose one's independence and become part of a foreign power, but since Suez we know we are not truly independent. It is better this way.

P.S.: At ten, my dream was to have a WWII  Army jacket, something like Guillot is wearing. When arrived as refugees in Vienna, the Americans distributed Army surplus and my uncle Gyuri got one.   

Thursday, February 25, 2021

America Strikes

Feigning indifference, the Biden administration bombed last night an Iranian facility in Syria. There is continuity in American foreign policy. As one IAI man told me once, America is an empire, and like a big ship, it cannot turn around on the spot, it needs space to change direction. In the pic, a Big Bad Black Man, I am starting to like him. 

Alt-Neu US gov

 The new Democratic Party administration is taking form and formulating its policy. First impression; The Black riots have never happened and changed nothing. The prisons for underage infiltrators have been reopened in Texas. America is not closing bases nor bringing troops home. On the contrary, NATO is being integrated into the Pacific alliance and Israel has been subordinated to the US Army in Europe. America has decided to peacefully outcompete China, firstly in the technological area. No military confrontation planned. It is the Cold War again. China sent a vehicle to the moon, America sent one to Mars. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Murder in Canton


Robert van Gulik's   狄公案  gong'an detective novel of Judge Dee's adventures. The most complicated and implausible story, containing State Secrets of the Tang Chinese Empire (The Emperor is dying and the transgender Chief Eunuch of the Imperial seraglio is conspiring to change the dynasty) and exotic and passionate prostitutes living on floating hotels. In the end all the personages are poisoned, suffocated by a silk handkerchief with a silver coin in it (so the dead man's spirit will not haunt the murderer), pierced by a javelin thrown through the window. 

Too much for me. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Waiting for My Man

I'm waiting for my man
Twenty-six dollars in my hand
Up to Lexington, one, two, five
Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive
I'm waiting for my man
Hey, white boy, what you doin' uptown?
Hey, white boy, you chasin' our women around?
Oh pardon me sir, it's the furthest from my mind
I'm just lookin' for a dear, dear friend of mine
I'm waiting for my man


Friday, February 19, 2021

"Die süße Peitsche"

Hobbuch fought four years in WWI as a soldier and then, in the postwar misery of Germany, moved to Berlin in 1922. Encouraged by Orlik and Grosz, he turned to the portrayal of city life; his work was ferociously critical of the social-political order. In 1925 Hubbuch took over a teaching position at the State Art School in Karlsruhe and was appointed professor in 1928. His work was represented in numerous exhibitions in the 1920s and early 1930s, including the 1925 exhibition in Mannheim at the Neue Sachlichkeit ”exhibition. With the rise of Nazism and he was dismissed and had to make do with odd jobs. 

This is from the revolutionary German art movement so hated by failed artist Hitler. The print is called "Sweet Whip". It criticizes the German leadership that started and lost WWI.  

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Tikun Olam Cannabis Company

 From yesterday I am taking a new painkiller which contains codein and an opium-derived molecule. This and my painful, tremendous losses on TEVA stock (punished for aggressive marketing of legal painkillers) focused my attention on this field. The analysts predict fantastic growth of Cannabis products in the coming years. I was unaware how much back pains are common and how many people depends on these drugs to maintain a normal, working life. The only foreign Cannabis company in the USA-Canada market is Tikun Olam, an Israeli firm on TASE. I bought a handful of shares. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Pfizer's Lucky Strike with Israel

 Israel has pioneered the mass vaccination with Pfizer's product and now there are starting to appear scientific papers based on the Israeli experience. It appears that Pfizer not only creates immunity but altogether reduces virus load in the population. All the countries are trying to get their hands on Pfizer vaccine, and rejecting the Indian, the Chinese etc. unverified products. It is comparable to Israel's battle proved weapons, armies prefer something already proved in actual emergencies. The big question is if two shots are enough for life, or they need to be reinforced annually. In the second case, Pfizer's profit stream will last at least 15 years. I am pondering to put some savings in the share. Pic. Mikael Dolsten, the Swedish Jew, head of Pfizer vaccine project. 

Monday, February 15, 2021



Yesterday went to Physiotherapy. I suffer from sciatica. They localized the origin of the pain, they gave me a tennis ball and I had to sit on that point. It was so painful that I am still stunned. Feeling fatigue and  weak. If I don't exercise, the body will be enervated and it will be increasingly hard to move. In most cases, sciatica will go away on its own. Half of people will recover within 6 weeks. The other half, not.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

The mystery of antisemitism

Considering it from the point of view of number of Jews murdered, Nazi Germany must be the most anti-Jewish country of all times. Yet a few year before Hitler, Germany elected a Jewish Foreign Minister, Walter Rathenau, and Jews were prominent in the media, in the universities, in the legal profession and in everything. Jews were popular as individuals and as a culture, powerful in the economy and politics. Germany was definitely open and friendly to Jews. If things can change so drastically in less than ten years, what is antisemitism and how we measure it? Today, Jews are well represented in the American government and all other areas, could that change drastically in a ten years? It is a mystery. 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Tenth Plague

 The Bible mentions ten plagues in Pharaonic Egypt. Nine are common occurrences in the Middle East, like locusts and gnats. But the tenth one was a selective pandemic that killed Egyptian children and passed over the Jewish population. How could that happen?

Easily. The Jews had suffered repeated epidemics, while the Egyptians were virgin and specially the children had no experience with the disease. What disease was that? Smallpox, for example. According to historical accounts, age-specific smallpox mortality was gleaned from the age distribution of smallpox burials in York (England) between 1770 and 1812. Smallpox preferentially infects young, pre-reproductive members of the population since they are the only individuals who are not immunized or dead from past infection. Because smallpox preferentially kills pre-reproductive members of a population, it generates stronger selective pressure than plague. Unlike plague, smallpox does not have an animal reservoir and is only transmitted from human to human. Smallpox could have exerted a selective force sufficient to reach 10%. Source: Wiki.

Pic.: A child mummy with smallpox. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

The weekly portion: The Hebrew Slave

Thursday, February 11, 2021


 I did almost no work this week.  My body opposed my orders to sit and work. Bought new chair, and nothing. 

Start exercising. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Urbanization Kills

Japan lost 500,000 individuals in 2020, ie its population decreased by half a million. It is a pity, the Japanese nation is intelligent, inventive, hard working and valuable for the human race. All European nations are also in decline. Even "criminal nations" (like Chechens), to employ a Soviet category, are melting down, which is worrying. Urban populations never replaced themselves, even in Antique Greece and Rome. Primitive and savage peoples took their places. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

"Gozque" dogs

 Columbus wrote that he encountered domestic dogs in the Caribbean islands, "gozque" dogs that did not know how to bark. They were miniature animals, very tasty according to the Spaniards that tried them. Soon they got extinguished as did they Indians themselves. The Spaniards introduced hunting and war dogs, that did superb job in frightening the natives.

En palabras de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo:

"[…] Eran todos estos perros, aquí en esta e las otras islas, mudos, e aunque los apaleasen ni los matasen, no sabían ladrar; algunos gañen o gimen bajo cuando les hacen mal. […]"

En palabras de Guillermo Coma:

"[…] estaban muy buenos abriéndolos por el espinazo y tostándolos ligeramente […]".

Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Jewish Space Laser

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has pointed to the Jewish space laser as the pyromaniac machine that caused the California forest fires in 2019. Spontaneous combustion, people just catching fire in the street, is a common phenomenon in the USA. Thanks to Ms Greene, we now know that it is never spontaneous but the invisible Jew-Ray was focused on the unfortunate individual's head. The Jew-owned personal protective equipment (PPP, see pic) factory in China is doing much business these days. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Legal Cannabis Market

Israel  is developing a sizeable medical cannabis industry. Israel is currently at the forefront of providing technology and knowledge transfer to the other world markets. Its vast knowledge in the agri-space has helped the country to develop new technologies for producing higher yields and new strains. I have some stocks but they are rather stable, as the monetarization of the product/technology encounters foreign barriers.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Excitement in the Bourse

 Tower, a chip fab that I am following from its foundation, lost much money of mine. But now it is 65% up. ZIM which I expected to excel, did not. I have to think it all over.

Draught avoided in SA

A tropical storm in the KwaZulu area caused the Limpopo (pic) to flood vast areas. God loves South Africa, human ingenuity is not enough to ruin it. 


Monday, February 1, 2021

The purple thread in Judaism

Moses. the  founder of the people and its religion, was an Egyptian prince and injected many Egyptian ideas into his creation. The well documented religion of Egypt is the most ancient of all and the practice of circumcision was invented by them; the priests shaved their whole body (see pic) and Herodotus describes their bizarre eating taboos and funerary practices. The concept was purity, to avoid pollution. The Jewish idea of purity is to avoid mixtures, meat cannot be consumed with milk, textiles are kosher when made from one kind of fiber, tilling cannot be done by mixed teams of asses and oxen; and they differentiate between clean animals that can be eaten and the impure that are taboo. Mixing our "holy" seed with foreigners is abomination. The Arian Hindu religion is also based on purity and cleanliness, they are vegetarians and take ritual baths in the Ganges. I do not know why Western Asian races are obsessed with ritual purity. Eastern Asians are more normal and they eat and wear everything. Their craziness is social harmony.