Sunday, February 14, 2021

The mystery of antisemitism

Considering it from the point of view of number of Jews murdered, Nazi Germany must be the most anti-Jewish country of all times. Yet a few year before Hitler, Germany elected a Jewish Foreign Minister, Walter Rathenau, and Jews were prominent in the media, in the universities, in the legal profession and in everything. Jews were popular as individuals and as a culture, powerful in the economy and politics. Germany was definitely open and friendly to Jews. If things can change so drastically in less than ten years, what is antisemitism and how we measure it? Today, Jews are well represented in the American government and all other areas, could that change drastically in a ten years? It is a mystery. 


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    1. The mystery is how warm philo-semites turned vicious murderers in a few years. A whole nation.

    2. The Americans and Russians were just as anti-semite as the Germans.
