Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Urbanization Kills

Japan lost 500,000 individuals in 2020, ie its population decreased by half a million. It is a pity, the Japanese nation is intelligent, inventive, hard working and valuable for the human race. All European nations are also in decline. Even "criminal nations" (like Chechens), to employ a Soviet category, are melting down, which is worrying. Urban populations never replaced themselves, even in Antique Greece and Rome. Primitive and savage peoples took their places. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I imagine what you wanted to comment.

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    3. The population of Japan is about 120 million. It is a technologically advanced country, peaceful and wealthy. There is no unemployment at all. Japan is not overcrowded, many areas are scarcely settled and paying to young couples ready to move in.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Look at the population distribution in Japan. Big cities and semi-empty rural areas.

    6. Those empty rural areas are owned by huge agricultural conglomerates. They have contracts and agreements with real estate companies on how to zone land. There's codes and laws in Japan and every other advanced nation about that.

      As much as I would like to see people say fuck you to the system, you cannot just go and set up a shack there and start raising an Amish family. They will chase you off.

      You want to live in the rural areas? Then apply for the minimum wage farm jobs and agricultural technician jobs.

      I think you are old and out of touch, the world is used to capacity, and already is operating at maximum efficiency (with present-day technology).

    7. Other before you said that the planet is fully peopled, that everything has been already invented, and so. Reality is that the universe has a limitless capacity for human life, the sky is no limit.

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