Thursday, June 9, 2022

Israelite Marching Order

 Parashat Beha’alot’cha occurs just over a year after the Exodus from Egypt, with the nation of Israel still encamped around Mount Sinai.

Two weeks ago, Parashat Bamidbar cited G-d’s commanding the layout of the Camp of Israel (Numbers 2). The Mishkan (Tabernacle) was in the center of the Camp, the various Levite families in close proximity surrounding it, and the Twelve Tribes surrounding them.

The time of encamping around Mount Sinai had finished, and the Jewish nation was beginning its trek home towards the Land of Israel.

The Torah details the order of breaking camp (10:14-28):

The first to leave Mount Sinai and journey towards Israel were the three Tribes encamped east of the Mishkan, led by Judah.

Then the Mishkan was taken down, and the Gershonite and Merarite Families, who carried it, followed.

Then came the three Tribes in the south, led by Reuben.

Then came the Kohathite Families, who also carried the Mishkan, and whose responsibility it was to erect it at the next station before the rest of the camp arrived.

Following them came the three Tribes on the west, led by Ephraim.

And finally, bringing up the rear, came the three Tribes to the north. Dan was the hindmost of all the Tribes. The Torah describes the Tribe of Dan as מְאַסֵּף לְכָל הַמַּחֲנֹת (10:25), the exact meaning of which is somewhat obscure.

ArtScroll translates as “the rear guard of all the camps”. JPS and Rabbi Joseph Hertz favor the translation “the rearward of all the camps”. Rabbi Joseph Hertz explains, “the work of such a rearguard would consist in collecting stragglers, in taking charge of such as had fainted by the way, and in finding and restoring lost articles”.

210 years earlier, when the sons of Israel (literally the sons of Israel, Jacob’s sons) stood before Tzafenat Pa’aneach, the governor of Egypt, whom they did not yet recognize as their little brother Joseph when he had framed the youngest son Benjamin and threatened to hold him as a slave for the rest of his life, it was Judah who seized the initiative and stepped forth, risking his own freedom and indeed his very life to intercede on Benjamin’s behalf (Genesis 44).

That responsibility should have fallen to Reuben, the oldest of the brothers. But it was Judah who demonstrated true courage, leadership, and readiness for self-sacrifice for his brother.

And therefore it was Judah who became destined for royalty when their father Jacob/Israel blessed all his sons (Genesis 49:8-12).

And so, as befits the Tribe of Royalty, Judah led the way towards the Land of Israel.

Source.  There was no disorder, the migrating Israelites were organized like a Roman legion. I think that the meaning of the Tribe of Dan being the "measef" מאסף is clear. In the army, it means the last in marching order. It does not mean that they collect anything. They are pushing the whole column ahead. Maybe I am wrong. 


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

AI is poisoned with bias against dark skin


Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini says she’s found that face-analyzing AI works significantly better for white faces than Black faces.

She tested software from Microsoft, IBM, and the Chinese company Megvii to see how well each of their face-scanning systems did at figuring out whether a person in a picture was a man or a woman—a task all three are supposed to be able to perform. 

If the person in the photo was a white man, her study found, the systems guessed correctly more than 99 percent of the time. For black women, though, the systems messed up between 20 and 34 percent of the time—which, if you consider that guessing at random would mean being right 50 percent of the time, means they came close to not working at all.

Google famously misidentified pics of Africans with gorillas. (Note: the pic to the left IS a real gorilla). No one wants to offend dark-skinned people, so they developed a program to automatically change the skin color in photographs. The European כוסית girl you may be considering on a dating site may well be in reality a Zulu or Andamanese. Not that this is bad, but if they start manipulating the appearance of people on the internet, they may end up giving clear blue eyes or yellow hair to everybody. Fat will be slimmed down and short people will become taller. And so on. 

Alternatively, Nordic persons will be changed into Africans, like President Donald Trump who was shown with strange orange skin in the media. Or healthy people will be given the appearance of sickness, like recent pics of Vladimir Putin.  But illusion will not make us free.   

Monday, June 6, 2022

Elliot suing the London Metal Exchange


Elliott, the macho hedge fund that forced Argentina to pay in full its bonds, making a few hundred million, is now suing the London Metal Exchange (pic) for 456 million dollars, for halting trading and canceling bets on the nickel market when chaos developed. 


The world's largest and oldest forum for trading suspended disorderly nickel trading after prices doubled in a few hours on expectations that China's Tsingshan Holdings and others would have to cut their large short position.

Short positions are bets on lower prices. Tsingshan sold large amounts on nickel using futures contracts, which the market expected it would have to buy back.

I presume that Mr. Singer is persona non grata in the United Kingdom. His heraldic animal must be the vulture. 

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Buffet buys OXY

Buffet has bought all the OXY shares available and wants more. Is oil still the cheapest energy source? Is the electric vehicle craze a passing fashion?  Is all the green push to wind and solar energy a monumental failure? But I am losing with DELEK... 

Pic.: Armand Hammer, the former owner of OXY. Son of the founder of the American Communist Party.

They will fight

One of the questions raised by low fertility is if the boys will fight when the time comes. The typical Japanese, Korean, Chinese, or Russian soldier is an only child, grown in a family where he is the adored,  pampered treasure of elderly parents, in an aging adult society where the life of every child is precious. Will the State be willing to endanger and sacrifice its younger generation? 

Russia is providing the answer. It is risking the lives of its soldiers in a foreign land, and Russian boys are obeying orders and fighting.  

Friday, June 3, 2022

Diversity in Israel


The warning is written in the main languages of our country. Hebrew and Thai. 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Ricardo's Rent

 Alex Tabarrok writes: 

Why has housing become so expensive in high-productivity places? It is true that there are geographic constraints (Manhattan isn’t getting any bigger) but zoning and other land-use restrictions including historical and environmental “protection” are reducing the amount of land available for housing and how much building can be done on a given piece of land. As a result, in places with lots of restrictions on land use, increased demand for housing shows up mostly in house prices rather than in house quantities.

The prices in Israel are prohibitive, especially in Tel Aviv.  The apparent reason is that Israelis are earning good wages and saving and investing. Old-timers that invested in real estate are rich and harvesting the rent produced by the success of the country.