Friday, December 13, 2024

Friends worth millions

 you see it in Musk. Tesla stock, in the two days after Trump won, was up 20 percent or something like that, adding tens of billions of dollars to Elon Musk’s net worth. Nothing fundamental in the economics had changed for Tesla. There was just an expectation, now that he was a friend of Trump’s, that he was going to somehow be showered with federal largesse. You know, there’s a guy in India called Adani who’s Modi’s best friend, and his stocks trade at multiples 10 times that of every other Indian company. Because everyone assumes that at the end of the day, being Modi’s best friend is worth $100 billion or something like that. From Fareed Zakaria

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Salvation through pain

Pat Gelsinger was the leader of INTEL, the world's largest computer company. In a mail, he asked people to pray and fast to save the company. He believes that fasting and praying are effective. He could have had himself flogged as religious Jews do on Yom Kippur. Or one of the flagellants.                                                                                                                                                       He destroyed INTEL

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Mystery map

A large area undefined in the Syrian Golan is peopled and controlled by the Druze. It could only be an Israeli-protected area. Protectorate?  "There should be no doubt - we will not allow ISIS to reconstitute and take advantage of the current situation in Syria," said General Michael Erik Kurilla in a statement released by CENTCOM. Tahrir al-Sham is, in fact, a mutation of ISIS, although I may be wrong. General Mike Flynn, the former head of the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), warned his colleagues in the Obama administration, that supporting terrorist groups to prosecute proxy wars on Washington’s behalf, was a risky business that would eventually backfire leading to the establishment of ‘a Salafist principality in Syria.’ That warning has now become a reality.

Mike Whitney writes: The 13-year-old Syrian campaign is not really aimed at Syria, but Iran. Syria is just the last obstacle on the path to Tehran. Crush Iran and Israel take the ‘top spot’ in the Middle East; it becomes the regional hegemon overnight. Meanwhile—Uncle Sam gains access to the pipeline corridors it has sought for over 2 decades, corridors that will transport natural gas from Qatar to the Mediterranean and then onward to markets in Europe. The gas will be provided by a US puppet, extracted by Western oil companies, sold in US Dollars, and used to maintain a stranglehold on European politics. At the same time, all other competitors will be either sanctioned, sabotaged, or excluded entirely. (Nordstream)

Monday, December 9, 2024

Vomited Out of the Land

The purity system of the Bible chiefly involved the Temple, sacrifices, and priestly gifts, all of which had to be guarded from ritual impurity. The penalty for polluting the Temple is 
karet, excision from the people of Israel. The Land had to be guarded from moral impurity lest the people of Israel be vomited out of the land as their predecessors had been. Corpse impurity was considered the most severe form of ritual impurity (avi avot ha- tumah), requiring sprinkling with waters of purification on the third and seventh days of the seven-day impurity. Death impurity was transferred not only by direct contact but also through the air of the enclosed tent or building or—according to rabbinic law—by overshadowing and grave fluids. Based on Leviticus 18:25

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Wake Up North

The Uri Tzafon movement stated: "We came here as preparation for a settlement and to remember Yehuda Dror. Maroun al-Ras is the Israelite village of May Marom. Yehuda fell in battle in Ayta ash-Shaab, where Jewish priests once lived. With G-d's help, we will one day return to Lebanon where Jews once lived.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Al-Julani ante-portas


The Syrian rebellion is succeeding and they conquered Kuneytra on the border with Israel. The Syrian army evacuates the Golan. Assad fled to Iran. 

Is it good for the Jews? Apparently, it is. 

Friday, December 6, 2024

Idishe Kopf


What about me? It is 7.00 PM and I spent my day in distractions. Please, God, focus my mind on my projects!

P.S.: Worked till 01.00 AM and completed the Brenner project. Slept till 10.00 AM. Now comes the Ariel Industrial Park document, with Claude's help.