Wednesday, November 13, 2019

تماس با ما

It is funny but my computer is receiving recruitment posters from intelligence organizations. I am an old old (there are old and there are old old) Hungarian Jew who never had  to do with intelligence and have none. I copied the writing shown in the title, something in Persian. I am very busy, preparing a lecture on WWTP design, collecting money (the most difficult task of all) and babysitting for my granddaughter Shkeddy. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Searching for a rational Palestinian

Well we have liquidated the leader of the Jihad Islami of Gaza. We did it for the Hamas, an enemy we can make agreements with. We are working for a rational Palestinian leadership. Should a Gazan leader volunteer for the position, we shall help him to take power. This is an equal employer advertisement. 

Animal Rights: How many non-human CEOs are in America?

I am all for Animal Rights. It is not enough to have females and trans whatever in the workforce and in the management, and pay them the same salaries as hard working White males, the discrimination against animals should be ended immediately! According The Economist, there are only 3% Africans in the management class. But what is the percentage of animals? Zero! ZERO! Why are they discriminated, oppressed, genocyded? Just because they have furry skins? We are all creatures of God, we are born with equal rights, there are no races and no animals/humans, we are the same under the skin. Fight against animal discrimination!

May be it is not 0% animals in management. I know ONE who is an animal. 

Third of Flint's Children Diagnosed Morons

The New York Times published another fake article on the Flint Water Poisoning Case. They note that before the "crisis", 15% of Flint schoolchildren had been diagnosed … give me a non-offensive word for morons please... as having some slight difficulties in school. After the National Emergency declared by Obama, a diagnosing center was established and found that today, 28% of the children are you know what. NYT says that the cause of the doubling of cases is the high lead content of the Flint River supplied to the schools.

The NYT has excellent fact checkers (Hi Jim!) but they oversaw the fact that the Flint River was and is lead-free and the lead in the faucets came from the lead pipes of Flint's dilapidated old houses.  As soon as lead in the drinking water was discovered, free bottled water was supplied to the residents. No health effect could be established and probably there was none. A similar lead poisoning in Hong Kong around the same time was dismissed as no health damage could be proved, and you never heard about it again.

But the New York Times loves the story and recycles it time after time to hammer down in the public's mind that those unfortunate Blacks morons, unable to function in society, are victims of White racism. (BTW, the lead leaked from the pipes because the City employees - diverse from top to bottom - stole the monies for buffering chemicals).

Whatever the cause, the fact that a third of Flint children are morons is shocking. Presumably, the population of Flint represents America's Black school population. The media systematically hides and obscures this issue, and the NYT published it only because it could blame it on "racism" or "environmental injustice". Still, 30% morons is a horrible, insolvable problem and America is not dealing well with it.

I read the NYT article in the local fishwrap HaAretz, that translates and publishes these articles for the education of the Israeli public. It may have the unexpected effect of immunizing us against NYT's ideology, so we vote for Netaniyahu. I certainly do.  

Monday, November 11, 2019

The End of the Spartan Empire

Sparta has fascinated people for generations, why? I think it is because it is the only example of a society that rejected normalcy and choose sadism as way of life. Sparta was a pervert society. It could not last long and one lost battle - Leuctra - ended it.

It was a rigidly hierarchical structure, with power concentrated in ascending ranks of superiority, from the enslaved farming majority of the Messenians, to the semi-free Laconians recruited as auxiliaries, to the despised Spartans who did not make through the agoge or lost their status because of poverty, lack of enthusiasm for wars, normal instincts. Up to the ruling class - the Spartiates - who lived in military camps even in town, and passed the day in the gym cultivating their physique, training in martial arts and seducing young boys. There are people like that even today in our society, they are called gays.

Spartiates were uninterested in women, who - uniquely in Classic Greece - were left unattended to live as they wished, including extra-domestic sex life, owning and managing property (half of the land was owned by women), and so. Sparta may be described as a women's society, the men being more interested in exclusive male pursuits, I mean, homosexual pursuits, like showing off their lean, muscular, attractive body, dressing their long hair in braids, arranging their long red military capes, and of course, chasing and seducing ephebes.

The number of military age Spartiates could not be stabilized, so this military society lived in permanent demographic anxiety, yet it was incapable to overcome xenophobia and absorb foreigners, so they made up by drafting subject Laconians. By the time of the Battle of Leucra, there were only 700 of them assisted by tens of thousand of unenthusiastic allied troops that evaporated as soon as they noticed that the crack Spartan battalion was retreating in face of maybe 50,000 Boiotian enraged farmers. That was the end of Sparta.

Fighters need a measure of sadism, of cruelty, but one cannot build a whole society on the basis of perversity. Sparta was a horrible, sick society. Nothing to admire or imitate. 

Friday, November 8, 2019

An Anti-Jewish Prophet

Prof. Kevin MacDonald entered my consciousness when published his first book on Jews. I must have been among his first readers and the first in noticing the danger hidden in his rather dry academic writing.  As he evolved, he created a blog which was disgustingly pornographic (with the sick Ph.D. Halfmoon or something) but soon realized that Jew-hating needed an intellectually respectable vehicle. The Occidental Observer is that and I find it quite impressive, with carefully researched articles by pseudonymous Karl Nemmersdorf.

MacDonald has succeeded in lifting antisemitism from the pornographic mud it has always been. He has in fact founded the White Ethnic Defense concept and developed it to what it is today, an almost mainstream meme and a powerful political movement. Unfortunately, the whole idea of White interest is based on opposition to Jews. It is the new name and face of the ancient historic antisemitism. Paradoxically, it has taken roots also in countries and areas where physical Jews are almost unknown.

Where will this lead? They will isolate and send Jews back to the ghetto. Since I dislike Jewish social activists - feminists and leftists - more than MacDonald does, I share some of this ideas while feel very uneasy with him, because all is based on attacking Jews, which I am. He has a legitimate point defending his own ethnic interests (and I always admired and liked WASPs) but fear that ultimately it will end in classical murderous antisemitism. 

Theater: Anihu

We went to the Kameri Theater in Tel Aviv: Anihu, a so called romantic comedy by Ronny Sinay and Etgar Keret. Story is childish: a girl turns into a man after dark. The spell is broken when the whole cast travels to Romania to find the old (already dead) witch. If it makes no sense, well, this is a comedy without any redeeming message. Very well played, the actors represent their characters, they sing and jump full of energy, there is constant action on the stage. Speak normal (not "high", literary) Hebrew, their diction is clear, easy to follow. Light entertainment, it succeeds in evaporating one's worries for two hours. 

The  public was an improvement on the habitual Tel Aviv gerontocratic theater-goers. Dozens of high school boys and girls, maybe a drama school, beautiful Tel Aviv youth that I have not seen for ages. We are dying off but have not disappeared yet.