Sunday, November 21, 2021

Early morning in Jerusalem

A HAMAS fanatic shot a pair of Jews on their way to the Wailing Wall. He used a "Carlo" submachine gun (pic), which is the Palestinian copy of the Karl Gustav model. The Arab inhabitants of the passage ran to the roofs and recorded all, including the calls of  "Help". The Muslim criminal was a teacher employed by the Ministry of Education of Israel. 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Riots in Rotterdam


Rotterdam mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb described the riots as an "orgy of violence". "The police have felt the need to draw a police weapon in the end to defend themselves." Winter is no time for street riots, yet Europe and the USA are burning. I hate disorder and violence.  

BTW, stopped following Twitter. I was fascinated by the internal life of problematic girls and decided to stop it. The rest of the content, football, and intrigues are of no interest to me. 

Post-Quantum Cryptography


Mayorkas is warning of the coming world where quantum computing will read encrypted messages - disrupting commerce and finances. His agency is running a search for encrypting methods that would be resistant to the coming quantum computing. Quantum solving works - will work, maybe - by what I call the "water method", filling up containers and flowing - without explicit calculations. How could this method be cheated?  Unfortunately, I am old and have no time even for thinking about this. Quantum solving could be slowed down by dividing the container into many small spaces and making it difficult and time-consuming the transit between them.  I was born 70 years late. That man looks like Ralph Laniado, zichrono le-bracha.  

Friday, November 19, 2021

Setting the Infrastructure for the State (Palestine)

Al-Istiqlal University inaugurates coexistence with nature training for graduate students


This is a new University for security training - army, police, international relations, etc.  There is no doubt that the Palestinians are a serious people intent on building a State to replace Israel. 

It is good to have a competitor. It will make us sharper. I think. 

The Effective Way of Reasoning

 98 y.o. Kissinger published a new book on international politics (warfare) based on AI and not conventional intelligence.  Based, as they are, on correlations and elaborate statistics, rather than on a sense of causality, ai’s decisions may seem otherworldly; when the stakes are high, they must be diligently validated. It means that asking "Why?" is not a sign of intelligence, but on the contrary, of low intelligence. AI is uninterested in causality, it just calculates correlation. It is an inhuman way of thinking and reasoning. It is superior, as shown in chess and go matches, it always wins. The pic is from 1950.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Too Many Projects

Yesterday had to participate in the meeting of a new project. Arrived late and missed half the meeting. They are expecting today the plan for the perforations for the piping. I did nothing, the day was spent chauffeuring around my dear wife and grandchildren (to the Funky-Monkey playground). Driving in Kfar Saba is starting to be more difficult than in Mexico City.   

Sunday, November 14, 2021

My Many Names

In Hungary, Jewish children received an echte Hungarian name, like Atilla or Bela, and a Jewish Hebrew name. I have my original Hungarian name, Tibor, just like a Mongol chieftain, and in addition, 3 or 4 Hebrew names, like Jacob- Itzhak, etc. Among the Ashkenazim, it is common to grant another life to the souls of the dead by giving their names to newborn babies. In my town, I was the first baby born after the war. I was one baby while the dead were very many, so I had to give life to many uncles and relatives that did not come back from Auschwitz. As the years went by, I succeeded in doing my part in this magical chore.  My dear uncle Moyshi Abelesz was always asking my mother to remember the names of the family's dead, saying that he had run out of the names he remembered. The souls of the killed had been all metaphorically re-incarnated in young Jewboys studying Gemara in the Batey Ungarin of Jerusalem. 

In my case, the doctor in charge of the brisz had no experience with Jewish customs or whatever, and I was in danger of bleeding to death. Since it was well known that the Moylech HaMoyves, the Angel of Death, is not the sharpest pencil of the celestial drawer and is always confusing names and addresses, my parents cheated the Angel by giving me another name, Hayim, meaning Life.