Monday, February 3, 2020

Kushnir's Peace Plan

Kushnir, President Bush's son in law, has proposed a peace plan for Israel that includes a map that is very similar to the Oslo accord, and sovereignty in all Eretz Israel this side of the Jordan. For all the good intentions, I think it will get no traction, first because the Palestinians plainly rejected it, and second, because the Israeli right and Israeli Arabs are fiercely against it.

Apparently, the Plan includes moving the frontier in the Triangle (that is the area where I live and am familiar with) so the three or four Arab villages (cities, in fact) would lose their Israeli citizenship and find themselves ruled by the corrupt and violent Palestinian government. I say that it will not work, since Israeli Arabs are aware of their privileged status, that includes an effective police, social security, free medical care, unemployment payments, and participation in Israel's dynamic economy, and will not accept any change. Most Arabs work in nearby Jewish towns and enjoy labor rights and high salaries - on the other hand, they fulfil vital roles as construction specialists and contractors, health care workers, supermarket cashiers and so. These cities have also developed a class of wealthy entrepreneurs (I did work for them and always paid me, something Jews … well, leave it) and a powerful political lobby.

Depriving of citizenship a large segment of the population, like Modi did to Indian Muslims, cannot be done in Israel. It is true that no one cares about the many millions of Indian Muslims, and no one really cares about Palestinians. But they care for the Jews and they hate us virulently. The whole anti-Semitic world is just waiting for an alibi to condemn us and much worse. We must avoid giving them a cause.

If the real intention is to restart the negotiations or to frighten Israeli Arabs, then it may accomplish its objectives. I assume Bibi would not have agreed otherwise.

P.S.: On the other hand, The Triangle is foreign body incrusted in the heart of Israel. Politically, it is passive today, and gradually integrating, but could become hostile during a Jew vs Palestinian war. As always, I am uncertain and undecided. 

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