Friday, December 4, 2020

The Collapse of Iran


Iran is one of the oldest historic civilizations, once it comprised half humanity, was larger than China and Europe. How did it arrived to its current pitiful state? Iran collapsed definitely in the 13th Century, erased by Genghis Khan exterminating 90% plus of the population. The same catastrophe fell on Iraq, the whole population of Baghdad was killed. (Europa was half-saved because its forests were unsuitable for Mongol cavalry). Iran and Iraq were repopulated by Bedouin tribes and immigrants from the Caucasus and Central Asia. Iran of the Ayatollahs has little connection with the Persia of Cyrus, Darius and Xerxes. Nothing ever stays the same. 


  1. I wouldn't remove all the brakes from my mind as fast as you are doing. Iran has good missile program and drone program, it's obvious they put all their best minds there, rather than into their counterintelligence agencies. People are constantly changing even if they are direct descendants of some ancient tribe, look at today's british, they are direct descendants of ancient Norman and Saxon warriors but they look pitiful and have crooked teeth.

    1. Have you been in Britain lately? The girls are tall and fat, but the dentists did a good job on their teeth. They are no more pitiful than other postcolonial peoples.
