I see a 15 meter high fig tree, which is home to a population of fruit bats, and various birds of which the bright emerald green ring necked parakeets are the most notable. They are a recent introduction to Israel and have displaced native species. They cross the air like fighter jets in organized squads. In Argentina they are called loro barranquero and declared an agricultural plague. We have also the pigeons by their thousands, fat and mostly occupied in pecking and fucking each other. The good people of the neighborhood feed them (as they do to street cats). There is an overpopulation of pigeons and they are always desperately searching for nesting places, exploring my room and flying in if the window is open.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Looking out from my window
Monday, March 29, 2021
Not Stock Exchange Mandrake
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Suez Canal Out of Service
The main engine is a low-speed two-stroke diesel. Coupled to a fixed-pitch propeller, it is rated at 59,300 kW (79,500 horsepower) at 79 rpm and gives the vessel a service speed of 22.8 knots (42.2 km/h; 26.2 mph). The vessel also has four straight-8 Yanmar 8EY33LW auxiliary diesel generators. For maneuvering in ports, Ever Given has two 2,500 kW (3,400 hp) bow thrusters Therefore it has not enough power to dig itself out of muddy bottom and sides of the canal.
There are seemingly trying to dig out with JCB-like machines the front interred in the mud. I wonder why they are no pulling it with land cables and tractors. Now they are talking of discharging part of the cargo. Since they have an Egyptian pilot on board, I think that the responsibility falls on the Canal Authority. It will be a long fight to establish who pays the damages. The Europa Asia Pipeline (former Katzaa) will receive a large push with this disaster.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Harvard Punishes Professor for Accepting Donation
Nowak is an Austria-born Catholic, who worked on evolutionary problems like cooperation. He is not accused of anything except his connections with a generous donor. In my experience, professors are encouraged and forced to seek financing for their projects, but this is the first time someone is punished for being too successful. My Father told me of the dilemma faced by Jaszbereny synagogue, when the owner of the local whorehouse wanted to donate: Should it be accepted? I do not remember what was the decision. Pecunia non olet, but that was in Rome. Harvard is still a Puritan Divinity School.
Harvard closes evolution center after finding connections to Jeffrey Epstein
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Penis and Anus Whitening
Palestinian Agency
The English are the most intelligent commentators of world politics. They lament the disappearance of the Palestinian cause from the Arab consciousness and the failure of the Boycott Israel movement that could not grow out from a minor issue in American campuses. The Palestinian Liberation Movement is reduced to clan rivalries and local politics: the Palestinians have no agency. The Brits are feeding the Apartheid accusation, trying to destroy us just as they did to Rhodesia and South Africa. The internet allows me to hear them in podcasts and lectures, and I confess that am in love with the language, civilized tone and subtle humor. But they are dangerous, they appear impossibly unaware that they are striving to destroy and rule.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Marxist interpretation of social reality
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Are negative interest rates good for bankers?
The case for negative rates.
I am a banker and my only real product is debt.
Who can I load up with my debt products?
You’ll do.
How many of the banker’s debt products can an economy take?
Let’s find out.
At 25.30 mins you can see the super imposed private debt-to-GDP ratios.
Economies fill up with the banker’s debt products until you get a financial crisis.
1929 – US
1991 – Japan
2008 – US, UK and Euro-zone
The PBoC saw the Chinese Minsky Moment coming and you can too by looking at the chart above.
Lower interest rates and you can squeeze a few more of the banker’s debt products into your economy.
The bankers have reached market saturation globally.
No one can take any more of their debt products.
“Go negative” the bankers
That’s why we need negative rates so we can squeeze more of the banker’s debt products into our economies.
Stolen from Sound of the Suburbs The photo shows Joseph Safra. He was a successful banker.
P.S.: I know what low interest rate does to people like me. It tempts to enter risky investments. Money is free and abundant, what can happen? Risk means that the investment carries a high probability of failure, and failed investments end in bankruptcy. Enough failed investments and we are dealing with a recession. Ergo, negative interest rate may lead to a temporary flareup and lasting depression.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Unfriendly Architecture
Saturday, March 20, 2021
ORFEO - Beautiful Nonsense
Thursday, March 18, 2021
El Dinero No Vale
No equilibrium anywhere
George Soros in The Alchemy of Finance says that there is no equilibrium in the markets, and there is no tendency toward a stable state. The market is always flowing. And the market is an imperfect allocative mechanism. (But other systems are even worse). On the same token, I say that there is no equilibrium in evolution, there is always some development and change. The universe itself is not in equilibrium, it is expanding and progressing toward some unimaginable state.
Sunday, March 14, 2021
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Raanana County
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Tomorrow I'll Jump like a Frog
Thursday, March 11, 2021
I have been thinking
David Irving examines the Holocaust
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Leo Leiderman surprised
"I was surprised by two main findings. Israel is rated in first place in macroeconomic stability indices. This impressive result reflects fiscal and monetary discipline enforced here over the years, as reflected in sustained low inflation and a substantial reduction to 61% in the ratio of public debt to GDP. The second surprise is the extent to which Israel actually has at least two economies: the technology industries and all of the rest, leaving us in only 45th place overall in the rate of technological adoption. The great paradox is linked to the question of whether we really are the startup nation."
Leo thinks the bourse is not overly expensive relative the low interest rates. Prices will not fall while interest rates are close to zero. He has such a strong Cordobes (provincial) accent that I could not stop laughing.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
The Chinese Nail Murders
Monday, March 8, 2021
Les Indes galantes. Les Sauvages
Chinese Belt Project
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Spain: 25% less births in 2020
Spain is one of the countries with negative population growth, each year its population is a million persons lower and in average, more aged. When it was imagined that it cannot fall lower, it did. All European countries have been affected by the epidemic. A catastrophe.
Caesium-137 storm
Friday, March 5, 2021
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Good Company
Austria, Denmark and Israel launched a cooperative project to produce anti-corona vaccine. I could not choose better partners for Israel. We are in good company.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
The Bell Imperative
Clark studied the genetic changes in the English population on the basis of surnames. In a few hundred years the surnames of lower/criminal class have disappeared, replaced by descendants of the upper/richer classes. In our generation, it seems to work on the reverse.
Why this happened in South East England and not in Bulgaria? England was/is a stable, well-governed society for centuries, where violence does not pay. Bulgaria was a frontier lawless region, where violence and brutality was survival necessity.
44 billion dollars stolen
Monday, March 1, 2021
Mobs Braying
Paul Singer, "El Buitre", thinks that the Fed’s current iteration of quantitative easing paired with trillions of dollars of stimulus to counter the pandemic are setting things up for a fall. Rampant inflation will shock policy makers, stock pickers and bond investors, alike.
“‘Trouble ahead’ is signaled by a rare combination of low-quality securities, staggering valuation metrics, overleveraged capital structures, a scarcity of honest profits, a desperate dearth of understanding evinced by the most active traders, and economic macro prospects that are not as thrilling as the mobs braying ‘Buy! Buy!’ seem to think."