Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Crowe Memorandum Predicts WWIII


Crowe, a German-born British diplomat, wrote a memorandum of German-French-British relations seven years before WWI. He described the existing alliance system that unavoidably would lead to war. Kissinger uses this "realistic"  school of thought to call attention that the China-USA binary could operate - mechanically - to produce the same results. China would try to dominate its region and expel the Americans, while the Americans would restrict the transference of technology that one day may be used against them. Kissinger very nicely explains that it is all symbolic, there is no need that one of the parties actually does something, the mere fact that IT COULD is the same as IT DID. No one can wait for some actual move to take place, they must plan and act as if already did happen. Henry analyses the insignificant "bellicose" actions that developed into German/British hostility, and the worst seems to have been Germany's verbal support of the Boers during the South African war. Nothing at all. Today America is organizing a chain of allies in Asia, signing mutual defense treaties, and negating technology to Chinese companies, preventing future, POTENTIAL,  hostility. Bottom line: WWIII seems to be approaching.

I'll not be here nor there, not my problem.

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