Friday, December 13, 2024

The Dosadians

  In this book, McKie meets the Dosadians, who have extreme command of body language and verbally limit themselves to “the nonemotional essentials”, “compressed communication”. The problem is Herbert builds up so explicitly to the Dosadi abilities – they are dangerous monsters with superpowers, if they are let loose on the universe it will be an utter disaster – that when it becomes clear what their powers actually are, the sizzle soon becomes a hiss.

What was the experiment about? An alien species the gowachin finds itself in a universe with many different organisms. Homo sapiens looked dangerous for their survival, the Homo species had exterminated all its competitors on its home planet. So Mrreg organizes an experiment, planting the two species on a toxic planet, and observe the results. After some generations, their tense co-existence explodes and humans start to exterminate the gowachin. Mrreg extracts the terrible conclusion and makes harakiri. 

Deus ex machine arrives as a Bureau agent, and through a complicated legal process, the Gowachin's guilt is absolved, and the Dosadians are liberated. Frank Herbert suggests that the massacre started on Dosadi ends with the liberation of the Dosadians and their integration into the ConSentience universe despite the Dosadians' recognizable superpowers. 

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