Mnangagwa, the "Crocodile".
What can I add? except that I am impressed by his name and his avatar, the crocodile.
"Bibi" sounds babyish to me. It does not even approach the alarming neural impact of "Mnangagwa the Crocodile".
Our aim is to “starve the whole population — men, women, and children, old and young, wounded and sound — into submission,” said First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill. He was speaking of Germany at the outset of the Great War of 1914-1918. Americans denounced as inhumane this starvation blockade that would eventually take the lives of a million German civilians.
Buchanan holds the Allies responsible for German starvation, which is only half truth. Food was scarce everywhere. Yet that generation of Germans lived with a deep fear of starvation and may have felt that they needed the cereal growing lands in Ukraine and Russia. In spite of the fact that Communist Russia was selling them grains for German industrial products. That may explain the paradox of a rich country with falling population seeking "Lebensraum".After the Armistice of Nov. 11, 1918, however, the starvation blockade was not lifted until Germany capitulated to all Allied demands in the Treaty of Versailles.As late as March 1919, four months after the Germans laid down their arms, Churchill arose in Parliament to exult, “We are enforcing the blockade with rigor, and Germany is very near starvation.”
Yesha Council Chairman Hananel Durani (pic). said that there are not enough construction plans in Judea and Samaria, and that there are not enough contingency plans for when the Prime Minister does decide to thaw construction within Yesha communities.
"I do not see the main freeze as a construction freeze; there is a lack of building plans" says Durani when asked about the current construction situation. "Even today, when the freeze breaks, there are not enough plans, so today we have to work very hard, not to wait, to prepare parallel plans and to advance whatever we can," Durani said."We have to work very hard", he says, and means this old Jewish engineer.