Sunday, December 10, 2017

Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Soros Plan

Hungary's government has fomented a furiously antisemitic public debate about the Soros Plan. George Soros says there is no such plan. Well, he may not consider it a "Plan", but the article he published in 2015 appears to propose some kind of organized EU action to receive one million refugees per year. He wrote:
"...The operational and financial arrangements developed by the EU should be used to establish global standards for the treatment of asylum-seekers and migrants. This is the fifth piece of the comprehensive plan. Finally, to absorb and integrate more than a million asylum seekers and migrants a year, the EU needs to mobilize ..."
I cannot blame the Hungarians for interpreting the above as a diabolical plan taken from the Protocols. Soros had donated  400 million dollars to re-educate and liberalize Hungarians rooted ultra-nationalist, xenophobic and antisemitic convictions. He failed most dramatically: today, Hungarians are more rabidly anti-Jewish than ever before. Soros would have been more popular in Hungary if he gave his money for rebuilding synagogues and yeshives in Hungary and in Israel. The Jewish fate hit Soros very hard. He had not realized that he cannot escape his Jewish identity and our bitter Jewish fate.

Friday, December 8, 2017

The Jews from the Future Have Landed

They have just arrived and already are living off the produce of the land. They know what they want and they are demanding it forcefully. They have strange names: Arbel and Gaffen.

Hanukkah as it should be

To light candles in Hanukkah is not kosher (ritually perfect) because the miracle it celebrates was about one day oil lasting eight days. So it has to be oil and not candles. What kind of oil? In those times, only olive oil was used. May one use eating olive oil sold in the supermarket? No, only highly refined olive oil, like the one used in the Temple of Jerusalem, can be used. In the past, I used olive oil but my wife disliked the practice because it smells and candles are cleaner. Between authenticity and peace at home, I choose peace.

What do Neural Networks see?

 Above: What you see. Below, what the neural network (AI) sees. Very Interesting.

Israel preparing to fight the next war - abroad

TZAHAL completed a week-long exercise in Cyprus, refining its ability to fight outside of Israel's borders. Logistics and medical forces also participated in the exercise. A senior officer said that it was a "practical" test for the challenges the IDF will face in the next war.

Half of Cyprus is occupied by Turkey. Who was the "enemy"? What next war?