Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Water Cutoff in America

“Water service was cut off to an estimated 1.4 million people living in more than a half-million American households. "  Most did not pay their water bills for more than two years. The data is incomplete and refers to Detroit; New Orleans; Springdale, Arkansas; and Oklahoma's two largest cities, Oklahoma City and Tulsa. Private operators did not report the data, so it can be assumed it is widespread.

This is from the wealthiest country in the world, in GNP and in water resources. Must be a social / educational / racial discrimination problem, not a water supply problem.

You can solve the problem taking dance - salsa - classes (see ad).

Monday, November 5, 2018

End of the World

There is a biblical oracle or prophesy that the birth of a perfectly red calf will signal the end of the world. Well, some say it has happened in Israel. Make your preparations.

Horses in Rishon LeZion

Starting another project: a horse ranch in the middle of the city of Rishon LeZion. It is hidden near a farm, still there are those anachronic things in a highly urbanized site in the center of Israel. They will have horses for sport but no races (forbidden). Each horse will have de luxe residence, water and sprinklers. Once more, I asked for too low fees. When asked for an advance cheque, they ran to bring me it before I repent. Imbecile (moi!).

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Phase Two Gender Wars: Two Males Reproduce

Here we use pluripotent stem cells derived from somatic cells to combine the haploid genomes from two males to produce viable sons and daughters. Male (XY) mouse induced pluripotent stem cells (Father #1) were used to isolate subclones that had spontaneously lost the Y chromosome to become genetically female (XO). These male-derived XO stem cells were used to generate female chimeras that were bred with genetically distinct males (Father #2), yielding progeny possessing genetic information that was equally derived from both fathers. Thus, functional oocytes can be generated from male somatic cells after reprogramming and spontaneous sex reversal. These findings have novel implications for mammalian reproduction and assisted reproductive technology.

In the experiment above, two males's cells were manipulated to produce viable male and female babies. It was done in the lab, so it can be done everywhere. What are the philosophical and social implications of this new technology? That all the noise about gender (such as separate praying areas at the Wailing Wall) are obsolete like leper islands and blue blood dynasties. The experiment completely transforms the meaning of male and female in mammalian society.

As Nietzsche's Zoroaster said, humans are a bridge towards something different. Increasingly, we have outgrown ourselves. Human, too human, yes:  but at my age I am a bridge to nothing. 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Red-Dead Seas Desalination Project

The fall of 450 meter between the Red Sea (and the Mediterranean Sea) spontaneously offers the possibility of a large hydro-electric project. During the last 150 years many designs have been published but nothing was done. Shimon Peres linked the generation of electricity with desalination and half-promised that Israel will build it and supply free drinking water to Amman. The "vision" was written into the Jordan-Israel peace accord, mediated by Clinton. The World Bank (aka USA) was to finance the project.

Now the King of Transjordan demands the water. The population of Transjordan has exploded from half a million in 1948 to more than twelve millions. Water is scarce as well as mismanaged. The current configuration of the project takes place entirely on Jordanian territory. What do they need us for? For completing the poker table? No. They are enviously watching as Israel has solved the water supply problem of the "territories", that being our legal obligation as so-called "occupying power", so they wonder, what about us? Are we not Palestinians? Why can't we enjoy the privileges of the "occupied"? Why, why, why?

What if Israel ignores the whole thing as it has been doing lately? We shall have a raving hysterical fit, we shall roll on the floor, we shall shame you in public! No peace! No peace!

Only half of the richest Americans are Jews

Forbes published its list of the richest Americans and it appears that only five of the richest ten are Jews.

The much maligned Soros - who is a Jew only by birth - is relatively poor in this company.

But yes, we Jews have advanced in the last two centuries. In those times, the large majority of the Jews in Western Europe were dirt-poor peddlers/beggars without residence permits. Actually, illegals. Pic. A Jewish peddler in Hungary. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Golden Cookies

Yesterday went to the Industrial Area of Holon for the ampliation of a bakery - confectionary factory. I had designed the old factory about six years ago, and it was a nightmare. The raw materials are sugar in large quantities, margarine and oil, and flour. All considered highly pollutant by the local environmental agency. The workforce is the typical proletariat: Arabs (the supervisors), Sudanese refugees, ethnically uncertain Russians from the Far East, etc. The place is clean, the work is organized and the products are attractive and sickeningly sweet. They must be exactly what the Israeli public likes, because they are adding more equipment and personnel.

One of the problems is drainage. Although it is a dry factory, not much use of water, the Ministry of Health demands a drain in each room. The new addition is on the second floor of an old industrial building, and I cannot bore holes in the pre-cast concrete plates (pic) resting on the slabs, in order to hang the pipework from the ceiling of the lower stage. I'll have to try to pass the 110 mm pipes inside the floor plates. If possible. It is not. The pic right shows the plates over the parking - here I can bore holes and hang the pipework, the problem is inside the building itself, where the owner does not agree to have pipes hanging above his head and his machines.