Sunday, November 4, 2018

Phase Two Gender Wars: Two Males Reproduce

Here we use pluripotent stem cells derived from somatic cells to combine the haploid genomes from two males to produce viable sons and daughters. Male (XY) mouse induced pluripotent stem cells (Father #1) were used to isolate subclones that had spontaneously lost the Y chromosome to become genetically female (XO). These male-derived XO stem cells were used to generate female chimeras that were bred with genetically distinct males (Father #2), yielding progeny possessing genetic information that was equally derived from both fathers. Thus, functional oocytes can be generated from male somatic cells after reprogramming and spontaneous sex reversal. These findings have novel implications for mammalian reproduction and assisted reproductive technology.

In the experiment above, two males's cells were manipulated to produce viable male and female babies. It was done in the lab, so it can be done everywhere. What are the philosophical and social implications of this new technology? That all the noise about gender (such as separate praying areas at the Wailing Wall) are obsolete like leper islands and blue blood dynasties. The experiment completely transforms the meaning of male and female in mammalian society.

As Nietzsche's Zoroaster said, humans are a bridge towards something different. Increasingly, we have outgrown ourselves. Human, too human, yes:  but at my age I am a bridge to nothing. 

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