Prof. Arnold Kling estimated that only students with SAT 1300 are capable to benefit from university studies in economy (in the USA). Are there enough top students to populate the top colleges and universities? he asked.
He calculated the number of available manpower, and arrived to the conclusion that only 3 or 4 of the best universities (Yale, Harvard) could fill their classes with capable students, the lower ranking universities are fated to do with what we call "brara".
This semester there is a 84% jump in first year's math/comp students in Israel, to 17000. Engineering grew 10% to 35000. I do not have the numbers, but does Israel have 17000 talented people of the 22-24 y.o. age group of 150000 with the IQ required? Israel's average is 85 (!?) and we are 9 million, so do the math.
Say we set the cutoff point at 2 SD that is about 5%, then we have 7500 potential candidates. Half of them are females and 25% Arabs - which theoretically should not be relevant. But 30% at least has no desire to study math but continue in the yeshive, or study Law or Psychology or become an Army General or in case of being of the Palestinian persuasion, may be planning to be a suicide bomber. Some brainy girls may be attracted to the stage and/or follow a well paid career in the massage business. Any way I put it, there are not enough good students available. In the best of the cases, only about 3 to 5 thousand in the 17000 has a chance to succeed. A large percentage - maybe 12000 - is doomed to fail, and there will be a strong pressure to lower requirement and standards. The industry will be strongly pressured to employ underqualified "diverse" professionals, as it is now. The worth of an Israeli diploma erode, for sure.
At least we make sure that no imbecile is left out.
He calculated the number of available manpower, and arrived to the conclusion that only 3 or 4 of the best universities (Yale, Harvard) could fill their classes with capable students, the lower ranking universities are fated to do with what we call "brara".
This semester there is a 84% jump in first year's math/comp students in Israel, to 17000. Engineering grew 10% to 35000. I do not have the numbers, but does Israel have 17000 talented people of the 22-24 y.o. age group of 150000 with the IQ required? Israel's average is 85 (!?) and we are 9 million, so do the math.
Say we set the cutoff point at 2 SD that is about 5%, then we have 7500 potential candidates. Half of them are females and 25% Arabs - which theoretically should not be relevant. But 30% at least has no desire to study math but continue in the yeshive, or study Law or Psychology or become an Army General or in case of being of the Palestinian persuasion, may be planning to be a suicide bomber. Some brainy girls may be attracted to the stage and/or follow a well paid career in the massage business. Any way I put it, there are not enough good students available. In the best of the cases, only about 3 to 5 thousand in the 17000 has a chance to succeed. A large percentage - maybe 12000 - is doomed to fail, and there will be a strong pressure to lower requirement and standards. The industry will be strongly pressured to employ underqualified "diverse" professionals, as it is now. The worth of an Israeli diploma erode, for sure.
At least we make sure that no imbecile is left out.