Friday, May 29, 2020

Rioting American Style

It appears that Minneapolis police abandoned their station, which was then taken over by the mob and burnt down. Most were not Africans. The nearby TARGET supermarket (a good name for a shop full of liquor in a riot-prone neighborhood) was sacked (see pic).

Minneapolis is burning.

Every reporter we have in 4 protest areas in Minneapolis right now all saying there are no police nor National Guard anywhere. Buildings on fire, businesses actively being looted, 4-lane I-35 South blocked with people and fire. Govorner? Mayor? Chief?

It is a fact that a Minneapolis police officer killed on cold blood in front of cameras a man begging for mercy. Sadistic. Very bad. It is understandable that the police wished the Earth would open its mouth to hide its shame and doesnt want to be filmed beating people on the streets. The bottom line is that America is becoming ungovernable because of permanent racial stress and the paralysis caused by the fear of being injust, immoral, racist.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Africans Rioting in Minneapolis

The third day of rioting in Minneapolis, USA. I am very far from that clean, beautiful city, but what is happening looks bad specially within the framework of the global USA-China confrontation. Life was boring so they imported Somalians and Hmong to iluminate the night. The  disorders may favor Trump in the next election, as ordinary people comes to hate disorder, but on the other hand, the media might push the anarchic, left-wing movement. Truly sorry. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Botlókövek - Slipping Stones

Front CoverA new fashion in Budapest: street stones with a memorial for Jews  killed while serving as unarmed forced labor within the Hungarian army fighting with the Nazi Army in Russia. They are calle "botlókövek" which means more or less street stones that make one slip. The left stone says: Here lived Tyroler Gyula (Julius) born 1902, killed in Ostrogodjsk while in forced labor, the 6th of August 1942.  He must have been among the 900 Hungarian Jewish civilians forced to serve the 10,000 strong Hungarian expeditionary soldiers. Osztrogozsszk is a place near the bend of the river Don where the German and allied (Hungarian and Italian) forces suffered a bloody defeat  by the attacking Red Army led by Sverlov. The detailed description of the battle - in Hungarian - can be seen in this book. My father was there and returned with frozen feet.  

The Wiki: On 13 January 1943, the Soviets began the second stage of Little Saturn, the Voronezh–Kharkov Offensive. The Bryansk Front, Voronezh Front, and Southwestern Front attacked simultaneously. The Soviet attack totally successful this time: during the Ostrogozhsk–Rossosh Offensive the Soviets rapidly destroyed Second Army near Svoboda on the Don River. An attack on the German Second Army further north threatened to encircle that army as well, forcing it to retreat. By 5 February, troops of the Voronezh Front were approaching Kharkov. Second Army's losses were made especially severe by the attitude of its commander, Colonel General Vitéz Gusztáv Jány, who forbade any sort of withdrawal, even though the neighboring German and Italian forces pulled back. Most of Second Army was encircled. They were either annihilated or succumbed to the extreme cold (-30C – -40C) while trying to escape. The 1st Armored Division was reduced to a single operational tank within a few days, and most of the personnel of the 1st Air Group died on the ground when their airfields were overrun by Soviet tanks.
During its twelve months of activity on the Eastern Front, Second Army's losses were enormous. Of an initial force of about 200,000 Hungarian soldiers and 50,000 Jewish forced laborers,[4] about 100,000 were dead, 35,000 wounded, and 60,000 taken prisoners of war. Only about 40,000 men returned to Hungary, scapegoated by Hitler for the catastrophic Axis defeat. "No nation lost as much blood during World War II in such a short period of time."[5]
Second Army, like most other Axis armies in Army Group B, ceased to exist as a meaningful fighting force. The German Sixth Army, encircled in Stalingrad, surrendered on 2 February 1943. The remnants of Second Army returned to Hungary on 24 May 1943.


Pictured: La Paresse (Laziness) by Félix Vallotton (1896). 

I like it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Price of the Alliance with the USA

We are allied with the USA and we enjoy its vital political support. But now a colossal rival has rised to dispute American hegemony, the Agatean Empire (as by Terry Pratchett) and America is calling its debts of goodwill. Last week, in the middle of the worlwide corona epidemic, the all-powerful Secretary of State made a short visit to us and discretely reminded us of our friendship.

I can imagine a very polite conversation over tea in the garden about the weather with some vague mention of advances in telecommunication and the taste of desalinated water, because that was the English style and Mr Pompeo is American and probably drinks coffee and his style is direct. We understood (how not to!) and immediately (yes! immediately) the Soreq2 desalination plant project was given to an Israeli-European consorcium and not to the cheaper and better Chinese, and of course the advanced and efficient Huawei will not allowed to put a feet in Israel. We are paying the price of American alliance, in this war we are faithfully with America. Not that the Chinese ever did something bad to us, and personally I like the Chinese and admire their hard work and can-do spirit.
But they dared to compete with America and that will not do. Look what happened to the Japanese.

Ill.: The Athenian tetradrachm, the US dollar of Antiquity, the currency of the so called Delian Alliance (symmachia).  

P.S.: Ron Unz predicted this outcome a few day ago. Unz is conspiracy maniac but this time he was right. Quote: "The classic 1972 film The Godfather ranks #2 in the IMDb Movie Database, and one of its most famous scenes concerns a conflict between a powerful and arrogant Hollywood film mogul and a visiting representative of the Corleone family. When the polite requests of the latter are casually disregarded, the movie tycoon awakens to discover the bloody head of his prized race-horse in his own bed, thereby demonstrating the serious nature of the warning he had received and indicating that it should not be disregarded. Pompeo had recently served as CIA Director, and I suspect he called in a few favors with elements of the Israeli Mossad and had them take lethal steps to convince Netanyahu that our demands that he reassess his ties with China were of a serious nature, not to be treated lightly. I strongly suspect that the controversial Chinese-Israeli economic ventures will soon be curtailed or abandoned."

No real children in the streets

"It is startling to see actual San Francisco children in the movie — they did not seem to be hired extras." writes Tyler Cowen in Marginal REVOLUTION blog. He is comparing a 1970 movie with today's street scenes. You cannot see children on the streets of San Francisco. Neither in most European capitals. Cowen appears to take for granted that the children in today's movies (and reality?) are hired extras. For a change: a Jewish Street in London, today, from The Guardian.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Renewed Rumbach Street Synagogue

Built a hundred years ago, the synagogue was renewed and is, I think, quite amazing. Pity that there is not even a minian there. A museum, a beautiful tomb. Budapest, May 2020.