I used to read with respect the economic writings of Merav Arlozorov, from HaAretz. (I have worked with his late Father, Shaul, a water engineer who helped the Chinese with their "national carrier" project).
Lately, she has moved to the "Left" ie she quotes statistics that prove the malevolence/incompetence of the "Right". She can look up the number of "good teachers" in Arab vs Jewish cities and point out the gap between the achievements of the two populations. These are typical accusations used in the USA to explain the Black vs White gap.
She likes to compare Israel's standing vis-a-vis Luxemburg, Norway, Switzerland. She quotes indices where we are at a disadvantage and blames the Netaniyahu government. She is extremely unfair. Those countries are the top of the world, homogenous, long-established countries, with no enemies. Israel - with all its handicaps - has surpassed Europe in wealth and just to quote another index, in public health (COVID-19). She knows all that but NEEDS to condemn her country.
My problem with Merav is that SHE KNOWS and her hypocrisy is conscious. Why? For one, she is employed by HaAretz (need I say more?), a paper where to condemn Israel, is de rigueur. Second, the moment she suggests that Israel is not rabidly racist, that the government and the industry are not out to poison the people, she is labeled "corrupt". In 2017 she studied the data on air pollution in Haifa and found that the heavy industry had improved and was less polluting. It was said that she was defending the bete noir of the greens, fixated on destroying that vital industry. BTW, the platform of Merav Michaeli (Labour) of the recent coalition promises, as the first thing, to send bulldozers and level the industrial park. Arlozorov was blamed for using official data, that is, the Ministry of Environment (the regulator) measurements. Government data, per definition, must be unreliable and if good, paid for by the blood-sucking Capital.
Why an excellent, intelligent, Zionist economic journalist has been forced to hypocrisy? My answer, because of humanity's natural envy of the successful, of the powerful, and the consequent psychological desire to destroy it. People are evil by nature, it is written in the Tora.
P.S.: Today she wrote: "the new government, should it arise". She knows something?