Saturday, June 19, 2021

My Horoscope for Today

, there is a push and pull between your needs and the needs of others you work with. In the end, it’s always wise to identify what you need first. There is a powerful cardinal T-square between the Libra moon, Venus in Cancer, and Pluto in Capricorn retrograde. This planetary alignment is one of extreme tension and change, but since Venus is involved, it’s for the better. Own your leadership skills and articulate your end of the contract in an authentic way. Not all agreements are meant to last forever.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Inauspicious Days

 The bourse was falling 1% from the opening at 10.00 AM and I felt unable to focus, so took 10 mg Valium and courageously liquidated some positions. Then went to sleep. Now that that trading week is over, I see that NICE lost 5% and in fact, the week's trend was down. Not a good day to sell, but I had to do it. I can now rest for a week. Hope we are not watching the beginning of a worldwide crash. My father could see the future, I would like to imagine that I inherited a little of his Clairvoyance

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


The real inflation rate in the USA is about 7-8% and growing. Israeli sheqel is linked to the dollar. So real interest rate must be around - 3 - 5%. *KYLE BASS SAYS WE HAVE NEGATIVE REAL RATES OF OVER 10%: CNBC *KYLE BASS SAYS ACTUAL INFLATION IS 12%: CNBC This country is fermenting, the cheap money is stimulating the economy and entrepreneurship. People here are doing business like crazy.  I just heard on the street "Do you will partner with me in this business?"  

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A Feeling of No-Se-Que

 I have of feeling that cannot define, un no-se-que (Spanish: I don't know what), but sure it is not happy. The bourse is losing its "animal spirits" and each day is worth one percent less. I have to pay debts and had to sell at loss. My antennae perceive violence irradiating from the Arabs and the fragility of the new government. I could not sleep and read Twitter messages of modest haredi girls. They live in terror of the shidduch (matchmaking). They cannot date a candidate more than twice or so and are under terrible pressure to decide. They are intelligent but insecure, and they relieve the stress through short, witty, obscure messages. I feel pity for them. 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Netanyahu is Out


A new government has been sworn in. The economy is now fully in the pockets of the Ukrainian party of Avigdor Liberman. I thought that Bourse would react, but nothing happens.  

Sunday, June 13, 2021


 There is no "P" in Arabic, and the Palestinians are unable to pronounce the name of their nation. In Arabic, "P" is pronounced as "B". Palestine is an artificial construction and the Palestinians have been invented to oppose us, the Jews coming back to our ancestral land. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Israel's Catch-As-Catch-Can Government

The “non-decision-making process” occupies a significant chapter in the theory and practice of politics. The eight-fighting tribe Coalition for Change that will rule Israel from this week on (for a while, at least) is based on refraining from taking decisions on controversial issues. Of course, it is not going to work. Reality changes, opportunities to screw the partners arise, and decisions need to be taken. It will be a free-for-all Roman circus spectacle.