Friday, June 25, 2021

The Ramla Man


Excavations in the Nesher Cement Factory in Ramla uncovered ancient human bones. It is a pre-Neanderthal specimen, that may have fathered the Neanderthal and Denisova humans. What we learn from this discovery? That hundreds of human varieties passed through this land, the end result being us, the Jews. Our species does not tolerate nor co-exist with different kinds of humans. The history here and everywhere is an unending chain of wars and genocides. The most successful varieties in our times are the Germanic peoples (Ashkenazim are part of this group), the Bantu in Africa, and the Han, the North-East Asian people. Put two of them on an island and very soon there will be only one. America and South Africa are working through this process. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Blame Darwin

 The improbable has happened and the COVID has mutated into a more potent virus: the Delta. In the end, it will get me too. 

Evolution happens. Left: Darwin's Blue Foot Pidgeon.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Israel Pays the Price of Vassalage

"Israel took its first stance against China’s inhumane treatment and forced incarceration of its Uyghur minority, signing on to a condemnation issued at the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 47th session on Tuesday, at Washington’s behest." (from the Jerusalem Post).  In my opinion, the Turks of the Chinese Turkestan are not our friends, they are our enemies. Many of them volunteered to fight in ISIS and were seen on the Syrian border. They, and the Chechens, are Muslim enemy nations, and we must give thanks to the Russians and the Chinese that they keep them pacified. Israel was forced to condemn China against its best interests. Correction: Keeping our alignment with America is our first and best interest.  We had to swallow that frog and say we loved it. Pic.: The Volga Boatmen.

Bankrupting Argentina (were it possible)

 Of course, it is impossible. Argentina IS totally bankrupt after having suspended repayment of foreign debts ten or twenty times since independence. Now, a cultivated meat factory has been built in Israel (pic) - the first in the world - and will outcompete Argentine meat exports. It would be ironic that Israel, a country that not long ago lived off the generosity of American Jews, would be a world power in the meat industry.  Less pompously, we are in the meat export business!

Monday, June 21, 2021

My AI guardian watches over me

 I am silently liquidating part of my portfolio. My action alerted my guardian AI and she phoned me if everything was OK. I do not want privacy - on the contrary, it is good they check if I am still alive and sober. Nice. 

Most of the representations of guardian angels are female. I'd prefer a male, fighting AI angel, but in these woke times, I have to accept any uncertainly gendered guardian they assign to me.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Perpetual Underdog?

    Writer, engineer, and collapse expert Dmitry Orlov has been arguing for 25 years that the USA is heading for a disaster worse than the one Russia suffered after the implosion of the USSR. His new article “The Technosphere chokes on a chip” suggests that a shortage of microchips could set off a cascade of disasters...                                                                                                               Pic. left: Plywood boat. Beautiful. No relation to the context. 
  • @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Strongly disagree. China is stumbling on its way down the staircase to oblivion, and you fools are still rooting for it like the perpetual underdog that it is. This is a humorous thing to witness, like Orlov’s 25-year strong prediction that the United States will “collapse”. Somebody try to get him some help.

  • The above is from Unz's comments section. 

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