Saturday, January 7, 2023
New American Writing
Bloomberg writes:
A pattern has persisted in stocks the past year. A downdraft steepens, sellers get the selling out of their systems, and the market is left poised for an often-powerful jump.
What is an often-powerful jump? Maybe the opposite of a seldom-powerful jump? Are sellers getting the selling out of their systems? That is, formerly the sellers had the selling in their systems? Is this a pattern? Sellers getting selling into and out of their systems? Bloomberg is supposed to be the best financial paper in the world. I don't like this new language.
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Uncertain Start of 2023
The Economist says that 2023 will certainly be a bloodbath (in the bourse). Yet it mentions that Goldman Sachs’s researchers think share prices will fall in the near term, but recover by the end of the year. Deutsche Bank’s bullish lot reckons the s&p 500 index of large American firms will end the year 17% higher than it now stands. Another factor is the opening up of China, after three years of closure. They will buy up most of the raw materials and flood the world with cheap manufactures. So what is to be done?
I will ponder the question (the answer) the next week.
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Gaetz's Bon Mot
Saturday, December 31, 2022
The GPT3 wrote this for me
a million miles away. On New Year’s Eve, the urge to go out and celebrate is strong,
but if you have a project to complete, it can be hard to find the motivation to stay focused
and make progress. If you’re looking for ways to find your mood for work on New Year’s Eve...
I am unimpressed, dear GPT. Illustration:
"Moebius illustration of a simulacrum living in an AI-generated story discovering it is in a simulation" by DALL-E 2.
Onion Soup in the Kibbutz
Yesterday we celebrated 30th birthday of my daughter's common-law husband in the kibbutz. Every family was supposed to contribute a soup. The one in front of me was an onion soup of unknown origin, not bad but definitely not like the traditional French onion soup in the picture. I am not saying that the Israeli kitchen is undigestible (which it is), but has much to learn from the French (and the Italian).
Friday, December 30, 2022
Israel is Not Poor Anymore
The per capita GNP of Israel positions it among the wealthiest countries in the world, richer than Austria, Germany, and other European countries. It is very surprising for this old Jew. We are definitely not like you. Ill.: Restaurant BUY THE WAY, my village. Explanation: The more you eat 30-dollar alfalfa sandwiches, the wealthier you must be.