JAHAZIEL jə hā’ zĭ əl (יַחֲזִיאֵל׃֙, God sees). 1. One of David’s mighty men who joined him at Ziklag (1 Chron 12:4).
2. One of two priests appointed to blow trumpets before the Ark when David brought it to Jerusalem (1 Chron 16:6).
3. A Kohathite Levite who lived in the time of David (1 Chron 23:19; 24:23).
4. An Asaphite Levite who encouraged King Jehoshaphat of Judah and his army to fight against the Moabite and Ammonite invaders (2 Chron 20:14ff.).
5. The ancestor of a family of exiles who returned to Jerusalem (Ezra 8:5; 1 Esd 8:32; KJV, ASV Jezelus).
I had never noticed this Biblical name till watching Evangelical neighborhood churches in Gran Buenos Aires. Formal Catholicism has disappeared among the poor in South America, and the Evangelicals from South USA (White and Black) are winning believers. The pastors are independent entrepreneurs, some call themselves prophets, and use many Israeli symbols. They are ignorant but charismatic and have rhythm. They are pro-Israel.