Friday, July 19, 2024

Attack on Tel Aviv


This morning, at 03.00 AM an unmanned plane penetrated Israel's air space and exploded in Tel Aviv center. The pic shows its engine, apparently after exploding. It appears to be a single-stroke motorcycle engine. It must have been noisy.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Tut Anakh Hamon


A ceremonial shield of Tutankhamun represents the king as a human-headed sphinx wearing the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt, trampling upon African (southern) foes of Egypt.
New Kingdom, late 18th Dynasty, ca. 1332-1323 BC.
Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62), Valley of the Kings, Thebes.

Grand Egyptian Museum. 341 – JE 61577

Tut The Great and Massive. Those Ancient Egyptians spoke a language similar to Hebrew. Apparently, they were large-tailed and proud of trampling on Blacks.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Magda Kertesz

My aunt Magda, my father's beloved little sister, died in Auschwitz. A fellow prisoner I met in Jaszbereny, told me that they were moving a wagon when she fell and the wagon couldn't be stopped and she was trapped under the wheels and killed. She was pregnant. I had never seen a pic like this below, and having seen it, I can now visualize how she died. What a horror. 

Lazy Summer


Shabbat midday. 40 C and the streets are deserted. One full week has passed and I did little to no work. How did I pass the time? Entertained by the internet.  Sleeping all morning. 

I stop here so I can start working. 

Ill.: A sloth. Note the vegetation growing on him. In Hebrew it is called  עצלנים = Lazy Ones.

Guided Bullets


JDAM  bomb was used this Shabbat morning to eliminate Muhmad Deif, the commander of the HAMAS militia. The thingie consists of the bomb and a direction kit with GPS and inertial control and is very accurate. We seem to be winning, and everybody loves a winner.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

ICL compared

 My main share during these years is ICL, the Israeli Fertilizer company. It has been losing height all the time, but I had it in my heart from the times of the cartel. Lately, I suspected that the Houti pirates were handicapping maritime transport to India, which was the reason for its recent decline. Analyzing the comparative table below I see that the fall is shared by the whole sector, so it is not the Houthis draining my portfolio. So what is it? Currently, prices are normal for the market, and I have been enamored of ICL for too long. Time to discharge it. 

s of 11 Jul 2024
Mosaic Company (The)
Nutrien Ltd.
1 Week--
3 Months--
1 Year

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Funeral in Town

Hundreds with flags in the Military Cemetery of this town. Many paratroopers with dusty boots. Some were sitting changing footwear. The Maglan Commando soldier's name was Tal Lahat. 21, Beit Sefer Gordon, Rabin High School. Like my daughters. 
