Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday sleeping late

The last week I was tired, had insomnia, and did little work.  Yesterday, I went to sleep at 10 PM slept 12 hs, and woke up fresh and not fatigued. I feel so good that I worked no more than two hours.

Searching for a suitable illustration on Google, I found only African men and African females. Out of options, I copied this one. 

Zangezur Corridor

 Never heard of the Zangezur Corridor, it sounds like a Sci Fi location. But his corridor (see pic) is causing serious tensions between neighbors Russia and Iran. Russia's population is 120 million, Iran's near 100 million. It could lead to hostilities. Iran is vulnerable on several issues, Israel is not its sole or even main problem.

The Iranian regime has historically opposed Azerbaijani and Turkish efforts to establish the so-called Zangezur corridor between Azerbaijan proper and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic because such a corridor, going through Armenia’s most southern province, might sever Iranian access to Armenia and then Europe. As it is well known, Nakhchivan was founded by Noah after the Flood, or maybe not. 

Azerbaijan has at various times threatened to establish the corridor by force if necessary, which would be likely to provoke a further war with Armenia.

Azerbaijan’s military defence budget is more than three times the size of Armenia’s, and Baku demonstrated its military superiority in September 2023 by recapturing the occupied territories in Nagorno-Karabakh within 24 hours.

Vladimir Putin said that Moscow backed the corridor and that Armenia was sabotaging a Russian brokered agreement to open it. Tehran is debating its relations with Moscow. Corridors on enemy territory, vide Danzig, are a bad idea. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Yemenites control the Red Sea


An important sea route is being controlled by a Yemenite faction, disrupting world trade. America used to be the guardian of free seas, but it seems to be somehow failing. Where are the gunships?

0430 insomnia

 Slept in the afternoon.

Hypnos, the God of Sleep.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

More Protests

 Tzahal found the tunnel where some hostages were being held. As they approached, the terrorists killed six of them. The Israeli pacifist public accuses the government of the assassination, for not giving up to the terrorists. Large protests are being organized for this evening. It's not good, Hamas feels that we are breaking down. The whole world is unable to resist the psychological pressure of these criminals. 

Manipulation involves exploiting psychological vulnerabilities, cognitive biases, and social dynamics to achieve desired the outcomes the manipulator wants. Psychological manipulation exists in various forms, such as gaslighting, emotional blackmail, coercion, and deception.

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation where individuals are led to doubt their perceptions, memories, and sanity. The manipulator uses tactics such as denying their actions, contradicting facts, and undermining the victim's self-confidence to establish control. Gaslighting can have severe psychological consequences, including anxiety, depression, and a distorted sense of reality.

Emotional blackmail is another manipulation technique. The manipulator uses guilt, fear, or obligation to manipulate others into compliance. By exploiting the victim's emotions and vulnerabilities, the manipulator seeks power and control over the individual's decisions and actions. Emotional blackmail can lead to powerlessness, low self-esteem, and an erosion of personal boundaries.

Coercion is yet another aspect of psychological manipulation. It refers to using threats, intimidation, or force to compel individuals to comply with the manipulator's wishes. Coercive tactics include:

  • Creating a climate of fear.
  • Exploiting power differentials.
  • Applying psychological pressure to manipulate and control others.

The effects of coercion can include a loss of autonomy, increased stress, and a compromised sense of self.

My opinion: All further negotiations should be suspended till all the hostages are in Israel. Organize a public trial of Sinwar in absentia, condemn him to death by hanging, and proceed to execute him. 

Friday, August 30, 2024


 In times of inflation, of uncertainty, buy gold and silver.