Monday, September 30, 2024

Thames Water's Likely in the Coming Default

 Thames Water’s €1 billion ($1.1 billion) of bonds due January 2031 are indicated at 72.8 cents on the euro. A debt restructuring — and consequently a default — is likely in the coming 12 months. BlackRock and Elliott Investment have been working on a plan to address the need for new funds and the unsustainable debt pile. The regulators keep demanding less pollution and do not allow a price rise.  It is a political dynamite. 

 It is an interesting situation for speculators. It's too complex for me. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Upcoming Hegemon of the Middle East

HaAretz writes today that there is a competition between Iran and Israel for the Middle East hegemony. We are focused on building a Jewish state and only wish nothing to do with the natives, but Iran's aggression does not leave us an alternative. I don't like it since close relatives have been called to reserve duty. They must be now manning the front line. I am too old to volunteer.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hizballah decapitated

The Lebanese political-military-religious organization, the Hizbullah, has been decapitated.  Originally, civilized, Christian Lebanon was hoped to become our friendly neighbor. It was not to be. Lebanon was dominated by the Islamic minority, the Christians emigrated and Lebanon engaged in permanent hostilities. General Sharon tried to intervene and restore Christian domination but failed. We were left with an enemy in the North. We have destroyed it twice and are on it the third time. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Dr. Francia, Dictador Perpetuo

 "El Supremo" or "Karai Guasu" was born on January 6th, 1766, the son of a Spanish soldier and daughter of the colonial governor. His doctorate was in Holy Theology from the University of Tucuman. He returned to Paraguay and became a teacher and a lawyer. He was elected First Councilor in the Spanish Colonial Government and after the fall of Spain, he changed the title to Perpetual Dictator. 

The White caste needed access to the sea and foreign markets. Dr Francia failed to establish good relations with Argentina, so the leading caste conspired. The Dictator decided to destroy it and started by establishing a register of Whites and forbidding the marriage of Whites with Whites

In 1864  Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay invaded Paraguay, killing 90% of the male population. These events resulted in a homogeneous mixed population, that speaks Guarani and Spanish. Paraguay never reached the level of other South American countries that conserved the strict racial stratification of the colonial era, like Peru, Brazil, and Argentina. 


 I have doubled my liquid assets, i.e. savings. It took 3 years, and the "secret" is Nvidia, a stock that rose 2,000%. On the other hand, my favorite ICL caused me a 50% loss. Israel Chemical exploits the minerals in the Dead Sea, but the fertilizer markets are apparently agonizing. Australia and Canada have opened new mines, the war in Ukraine did not harm their production, and prices are decreasing. Moreover, the Eilat-Red Sea route to India and China has been closed by the Houthis. These are small mountain tribes in Yemen, they conquered half of the country and are funded and armed by Iran. The Israeli company changed its focus and promoted itself as a specialty chemicals business: food preservatives, texturizers, and so on. My method is to read everything, buy stable companies' shares, and hold them forever. 

My wife was hospitalized two weeks ago and underwent a coronary procedure. She says it was nothing, I  suspect they installed a stent, and she is constantly tired and frightened of travel. 

I had a period of low blood pressure, did not work, and slept in the mornings, but now I take fewer pills and consume salty food. I had a few projects gone bad, it is very depressing. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

HAMAS shortened my life by 8.4 months


According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, male life expectancy is 81.0 years. If not for the October 7 2023 massacre, it would have been 81.7 years. Hamas stole 8.4 months from me. Statistically. 

The Artist at 5 y.o.