Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Coming American Mass Aliyah

"Ron Unz pointed out that “a substantial fraction of our population has been reduced to a 21st century version of the drunken, ignorant, exploited, indebted, impoverished, and immiserated Slavic peasantry of the Jewish-dominated Pale of Settlement,” and though the peons are becoming increasingly enraged, they’re only aiming their ire at at trumped up, media hyped targets and scapegoats, but what do you expect from a population that’s ever more relentlessly brainwashed?"  Quoted from

More than ever, I feel that Israel must be prepared to receive a sudden mass emigration of American Jews. Poland too was - in the Middle Ages - a Goldene Medine. 

American Mistery

P.B., a veteran of Greg Cochran's blog, commented:
Then I was recruited on an emergency basis to teach an Oracle class at another private college. The scheduled Oracle guy had taken off. One of the students obviously had Down’s Syndrome. I question him. He had been enrolled in several classes and had always gotten good grades. He got it into his defective brain that he should be a Data Base Administrator. Impossible of course – he was seriously retarded. His company sent him to college and paid all tuition and expenses if he got a ‘B’ or better.
So when he turned in his final exam completely blank – I had a problem. Here was this handicapped guy who was going to be hit with a substantial set of payments if I gave him the ‘F’ he deserved.
I wasn’t tough enough. I gave him a ‘B’ just had a whole series of instructors before me.

I answered:

  • J says:
    So when he turned in his final exam completely blank … Your charity was misplaced. You condemned that unlucky fellow to a life of suffering. He goes back to his employer and will be promoted to Administrator, a job he will not be able to perform. When dismissed, he may sue the company for “racism” or whatever you call it.
    What I wanted to say is that it is a mystery how, with such bleeding-heart computer science teachers, America was able to send manned missions to the Moon. Today, America is engaged in a life-or-death duel with Asian monsters like North Korea, and with covert intelligence-operations-minded Russia. Will it be able to cope with handicapped Administrators? I am convinced PB's generosity could never happen in China or Russia. In Israel, I am sorry to say, we follow America. Except that here, every once a while, we hit the hard wall of reality and are forced to return to our senses.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Identity Politics in Egypt

The Cairo Zoo thought it a good idea to paint black stripes on regular asses and to pass them as authentic zebras. The public and even the burros themselves were convinced they were zebras. Till a visitor noticed that these "zebras" had ink blots on their faces and their stripes were unlike born zebras. 

The Curious Case of the Sadistic Bodyguard

French President Macron's permanent companion is his bodyguard Benallah, who (pic) was recorded volunteering to brutally beat young street demonstrators. Sadism is a desirable feature in a bodyguard, but this could never happen to the bodyguards of the American President. The worst they did was drunken partying with prostitutes, but that is only expectable from young fellows in a foreign country. But then, Macron exceeded himself in the defense of Benallah, taking all the presumed blame on himself and ... "then came that curious denial that he was not Benalla's lover. It was not the first time Macron, who is married to his former teacher, a woman 20 years his senior, has had to protest that he is not homosexual."

Of course he is, not that I care. Arafat's bodyguards also served as his harem. 

Friday, July 27, 2018

Shlomo Zand writes in HaAretz

History teacher Shlomo Zand examines the long term perspectives of Israel and finds that the relations with the natives (sic) will define the future. Israel's dilemma, Zand dixit, is between separation (he calls it in its Africaner name) so to avoid assimilation, or transfer, which is feasible only within the framework of war.

Zand prognosis lacks imagination. As a historian, he knows what happened in the past and in other places, and his thinking is limited by this framework. Moreover, his terms of reference are restricted to the history of the last hundred years, as is the other ten thousand years of history were irrelevant. When the Normans moved in mass to the British Isles, did they establish apartheid or native reserves? No. When the Arabs occupied Greek-speaking Sicily, or when the Vandals displaced the Arabs, or many other examples of one people settling in land that other people considers its own. Reality is not limited by the past hundred years, and I for one can imagine and describe several other scenarios. Of course they are implausible for limited historians and journalists, but they are always surprised by the events.

Not all my impressions of Zand are negative. He is objective, considers only facts and not some marginal leader's declarations or bombastic articles in Yiddish papers of the last century (circulation: one hundred fifty) like the despicable Ilan Pappe.  I also understand the circumspection of Zand when analyzing the future: he wants to be considered a serious historian with plausible outcomes. Certainly, to consider historical processes before the invention of journalism or to imagine events for which there are no recent precedents, would be almost science fiction. Yet, in my humble opinion, history is bunk and any future will certainly be different from the past, very different. 

The Weekly Portion

וְאָ֣הַבְתָּ֔ אֵ֖ת יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ בְּכָל־לְבָֽבְךָ֥ וּבְכָל־נַפְשְׁךָ֖ וּבְכָל־מְאֹדֶֽךָ

This week's chapter contains the command to love God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your resources". 

Now what is the meaning of love with all your resources, or more obscenely, all your money? Rabbi Eliahu Shedmy of Raanana (pic) explains: A Jew, walking in a dark alley, was being held up: "Your money or your life!" No answer. The robber insists: "Your money or your life!!". The Jew: Wait a minute, I have to think!  The idea is to love God more than money. Which is not so obvious at all.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Senator Joe Liberman's Daughter Makes Aliya

The Father was a credible candidate to the US Presidency. If the elite of American Jewry is starting to move to Israel, thousands will follow. Hope so. Pity Bernie Sanders has no Jewish children.

Pic. Addressing new immigrants from the USA at the Ben Gurion Airport.

"We have a strong sense of being a link in the chain of Jewish history, and we feel so privileged to live in a time when we can live in Israel.”
TONY GELBART, chairman and co-founder