Monday, April 8, 2019

Unsettling Settler Colonialism

"I am a White Settler Colonialist" writes Corey Snelgrove of Canada in an academic paper. She felt better after confessing her inborn, hereditary  culpability. 

Jeff Corntassel, a self-declared member of a First Nation, writes in the same essay his feelings about being a dispossessed Indian. He tries to inject into the paper some tribal wisdom, but there is none available. The wise men of the inexistent Indian band he imagines to belong were not literate and anyway, their wisdom - if any -  died off with them, a hundred and twenty years ago. 

Lastly, Rita Dhamoon, a recent immigrant from India, is traying hard to write something relevant to the subject of settler colonialism. What are/were Canada's First Nations and what they have to do with her? She finds that as a brown skinned female, she too is 100% colonized and dispossessed, with terrible traumas caused by White colonials.  

Is this the curricula of Canadian universities?

What is this craziness about settlers? The only bone-and-flesh settlers the papers talk incessantly about are Israelis in the West Bank. I may be paranoid, but this is old Christianity: they are learning that they were born in sin and have to confess and repent to be pardoned, and of course the worst, unrepentant sinners are the Jews. They do not believe in  God and all that, but it is the same thing.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

My brain is shrinking and softening

As I "grow" older, my brain is betraying me more and more. I am also tired sooner. So do not give much importance to what  I am saying. My opinion tends to agree with the last argument that impressed me. Sad but being dead is worse. Maybe.

Now I think that the current negative real interest benefits the poor and harms banks and credit intermediaries. Jews - I mean the Jewish moneylenders of the far past. Low interests have an equalizing effect on society, the poor can pay their loans. The rentiers are fucked. I always accepted that social stratification is by IQ but who knows.

I am a NIEMAN, like my father. He was called that by my millionaire uncle Ivor Szabo, Andres in Argentina, and the insult depressed him for weeks. At this age I am what I am and no hope or desire to become else. I am travelling to the Bronx Island with my beloved  little daughter and her fiancee and I pay - what more can anyone desire? Is that happiness? Or am I just drunk?

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Teva shares sinking

It was a terrible day for Teva's shares on  TASE.  Teva's stock is now trading at near historical lows from a forward-looking P/E perspective.
Ajovy , comes with bright expectatives but there are already alternative and largely generic drugs to treat migraine, meaning that getting insurers to cover more expensive anti-CGRP treatments, even for patients who have failed existing therapies, is going to be tough. Teva's Huntington's disease medicine Austedo is expected to contribute significantly. Over the past two years, Teva has also managed to slash around $7 billion from its total outstanding debt. All told, Teva seems to be nearing an inflection point on several fronts. 
But the bourse thinks differently. I have lots and lots of shares.....

Monday, April 1, 2019

Sick Sex is Killing Humanity

If our beautiful, intelligent, tools-manufacturing ancestors had evolved as Nature planned it, we would now be almost perfect. But they had a bad, sick side, in fact they were sex-crazy perverts that would immediately mate with any ambulant creature with a hole or a hose between their legs. So they mated with brutish, raw-meat devouring Neanderthal animals, who could not speak an intelligent word, and injected to our genome their primitive vital essence. 

Their incandescent sex-hunger made them approach and mate with the even more primitive Denisovans, veritable gorillas hiding in Siberian caves. Because of their sinful nature, half of humanity now looks like gorillas. 

And if mating with these two proto-hominids did not satisfy their degenerate concupiscence, they maintained secret affairs with a third and a even with a fourth pre-sentient species in Africa, endowing their unfortunate descendants with a monstrously prominent ass. Humanity is doomed, the Planet of the Apes (see pic above) is our sad future. 

Inverted Yield Curve: Prosperity in Sight

It happens that a Treasury bill that matures in three months is yielding 2.46 percent — 0.03 percentage points more than the yield on a Treasury that matures in 10 years. This is called inverted and it is said to predict Depression.  
I do not see the logic of it. If somebody is willing to pay MORE for a short term loan, that means that he needs money NOW and thinks that with time, he will prosper and easily pay back the loan. If somebody asks higher interest for a short term loan, it means that the coming months are uncertain, but he is sure that prosperity will arrive later. In my opinion, there must be a temporary shortage of liquidity and the people needs cash to bridge over these uncertain times. 
In fact, the vision of Israel Katz as Finance Minister and Betzalel Smotrich as Defense Minister is fueling the investors' animal spirits. 

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Cat Mummies on the Hudson

Ancient Egyptians embalmed their cats and erected miniature pyramids to house them in the afterlife. A new Jewish fashion in New York is to share cemeteries and tombs with pets, something thought abominable in the past, even satanic (specially if the cat was black), but today it is an expression of love. Children have been substituted by these furry predators, that can inherit property and be interred with their "mother" under a fancy and expensive funeral monument. The discovery of luxuriously mummified cats on the Hudson, in the year 4000, will lead the discoverers to the right conclusion that Judaism had degenerated into a cat worshiping cult. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Laugh is the Best Weapon

A senator ridiculed the ludicrous Green New Deal of Alexandria (the senatoress, not the Egyptian city). 
“GOP Senators are using their congressional allowances to print Aquaman posters for themselves to argue that a #GreenNewDeal saving our nation from climate change is a waste of money,” she tweeted.

She added: “Like many other women + working people, I occasionally suffer from impostor syndrome: those small moments, especially on hard days, where you wonder if the haters are right. But then they do things like this to clear it right up. If this guy can be senator, you can do anything.”