Thursday, February 9, 2023

Find the Escape Hatch!

 Damals, 1937, gab es Juden in Berlin, die beschlossen, den Sturm zu überstehen und hier zu bleiben.  Andere nahmen die ersten Boote nach England, in die USA und nach Südamerika.   Wir alle in der nördlichen Hemisphäre stehen jetzt vielleicht vor der gleichen existenziellen Entscheidung.

Meaning: The Ukraine War is becoming WWIII and better look for the fire escape before you find yourself trapped like Berlin 1937 Jews.  By Gilbert Doctorow. 

Israeli Paradox

A client has a problem compliance with the environmental rules, he is paying large fines for excess phosphorus and other elements in his wastewater. It is a kosher meat processing factory. Analyzing the origin of those compliance-unfriendly elements, analyzed the composition of the chemical additives he uses. Basically, it is salt and common food preservatives of the E group (like potassium sorbate). I explained that the additive is perfectly legal in meat and does not harm human health, but it is strictly regulated (forbidden) in sewage. He could not believe the sheer absurdity of it. 

Dorothy Dandridge and Louis Armstrong "Whatcha Say?" 1944

My projects are stuck in the mud

 My projects in Ramat Gan are stuck in the Water Corporation, I complained and now they do not answer me. I am neither advancing in other projects. It is cold outside and I am not walking enough. Frustrating. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Earthquake in Eastern Turkiye and North Syria

Bureaucratic Organizations

The Engineering Department of the Municipality of Ramat Gan employs about one hundred people. Ramat Gan has 150,000 inhabitants. They are open and accessible only for two hours,  three times a week. The rest of the time they are very busy with themselves. They never have time. I cannot get a small project through now for six months. The water department is an independent sovereign entity. About 1.5% of the total population "works" for the municipality. That is, about 5% of the working age population. The 98.5% pays their salaries. Twenty years ago the dept. employed about ten persons. The population did not increase.