Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Ashtonishing Disintegration of Japanese Society

From and official Japanese source: 

"The higher number of males in their 50s living alone is primarily attributable to fewer people getting married. The percentage of unmarried individuals among people at the age of 50 is often referred to as the “lifetime non-marriage rate.” Having remained in the range between 1 and 3% through 1985, the rate for males started to surge in 1990, and reached 20.1% in 2010. Furthermore, it is forecast to climb as high as 27.6% for men in 2030. A higher lifetime non-marriage rate is also expected for women, but it is not as high as that for men. The lifetime non-marriage rate for women was 10.6% in 2010, and is expected to reach 18.8%."

A survey of Japanese people aged 18 to 34 found that almost 70 percent of unmarried men and 60 percent of unmarried women are not in a relationship. Moreover, many of them have never got close and cuddly. Around 42 percent of the men and 44.2 percent of the women admitted they were virgins.
Think! A quarter of Japanese remains single and childless for life. The Japanese are smart, nice, sociable people, so what is causing this unnatural disintegration? On the other hand, the Nordic countries have comparable rates of non-marriage, but there is a difference. Nordics co-habit and have frequent and varied sex. Germans had been always individualist, even Takitus noticed that they build their houses at the farthest possible distance from the next neighbor. They too prefer to live alone. In fact, Japanese and Nordics (males, females) do not like each other much since - given the choice - they hate to share a home.  (I am not comparing to the African (Bantu) family structure, which is totally different.) We Jews are a bit  different, we love to spend time and criticize each other's homes and tend to live in crowded quarters. We like each others stink. Pic.: A Japanese man marrying an anime character. 

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