Saturday, January 16, 2021

Jews Always in the Front Wave of the Revolution (and everything)

The peaceful protest in the Capitol last Jan.6th was led by a horned Viking with a megaphone (pic). Right behind him we can see a pallid-face, a Woody Allen look-alike, dressed in pelts: he is Aaron Mostrovsky, son of Brooklyn's Chief Judge. He had arrived with his brother, but was left alone. Aaron, fearless, picked up a police shield and a vest, and found himself pushed into the advancing front wave. His presence in this historical, seminal event will secure him the post of Secret Police Chief in some future right-wing regime. Some of the revolutionaries photographed entering with Mao in the Forbidden City were like him, no one can identify who they were are and how they got there, but sure they took part in the climax. In the photos of Fidel Castro descending on Habana from the mountains, we can see standing behind him on the jeep unidentified guerrillas or hitchhikers. Aaron's fore-runners. 

As you may have guessed, Aaron is a professional Architect