Saturday, October 22, 2022

Defenestration in the Plenarium


I do not understand the political background of what is happening in the above video. But it is very dramatic. The leader ejects his left-hand sidekick. In the picture, Hu is trying to grab a pile of documents, but Xi puts his right hand over it. Observe the stony faces of the Politburo members as the disgraced man is taken out behind their backs. They seem to say "I see nothing, I am not here".

The official version is that Hu was feeling unwell and was politely escorted out. But we see that a policeman and not a doctor led him out, and he resisted.  Some called Wu writes" If he was sick, the people around him would have come forward to care, at least take a wheelchair and let Hu sit and push it out."

Another nicknamed Truth comments:  If it's a physical reason, why didn't any of the officials in the front row stand up to greet/ask about the old man's condition? Do you think that Hu always touches porcelain? Or don't want to get bad luck?

I say it was a setup for the whole world to see who is the Boss. 

P.S.: Hu became instantly non-person and was immediately erased from the internet. 

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