Saturday, April 13, 2024

Mala tempora currunt, sed peiora parantur

Craig says we own nothing and that regulatory changes can erase even the illusion of owning financial goods.  True, there is no safety in financial property. In fact, there is no safety in any kind of property, not even your knowledge or prestige. 

Prestige used to be safe, but now the most famous scientists are being disinvited from meetings because they are Israelis or Jews or politically incorrect. The Haaretz supplement brings a psychologist who wrote a professional article on his treatment of Jewish refugees from the Gazan border and was refused because he had been treating people who were a potential danger to the Palestinians. 

I always knew that nothing is safe and money is nothing since Hungarian Jews - my grandparents - had to give up first their jewelry, then their businesses, and in the end their very lives. This is the unstable, unsafe environment we have to carry out our lives. 

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