Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Pilgrimage in Deadly Heat

 The pilgrimage is increasingly affected by climate breakdown, according to a Saudi study that said temperatures in the area where rituals are performed were rising 0.4C (0.72F) each decade.

The Saudi National Meteorology Center said that temperatures hit 51.8C at the Grand Mosque in Mecca on Monday. The dead are counted by the hundreds. Every Muslim must do the Hadj pilgrimage once in life if he is able.  

Kfar Saba city is also hot, and I am suffering. Today I had diarrhea and weakness, cannot sleep regularly, and lost all enthusiasm for working. I am nearing 78 years old and all my classmates rest underground, in Hades. Why am I still alive and working? I need no more money. Yet I have to buy my small daughter a gold chain, but I do not feel like going out into the sun shopping.  

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