Sunday, June 30, 2024

Indian under the Sun (1980)


Based on a story by Adam Baruch, this film is the first of the Epos 11 series. It is about a Cochin Jew in the army, led to prison by a Tel Aviv redhead. On the way, he allows the Indian to visit his village and see his pregnant wife. The Indian wants to escape, and the ginger knows it and allows him to run away, but the Indian refuses. In the end, he escapes after being delivered to the prison, saving the ginger from punishment. The film was projected only on TV because it was about sensitive racial/ethnic differences, although its message is not confrontational, on the contrary. The visual description of a Cochin Jews moshav in the Jerusalem mountains is very realistic, I know them, and the young people sitting and doing nothing is exactly how it was. 

Adam Baruch was an Israeli writer who emerged from the ultra-religious Mea Shearim neighborhood. I bought his book "Lustig" to learn Hebrew, it is about a half-hearted shooting of an Arab.  

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