Monday, September 16, 2024

How to prepare a fat Springfield cat

 The latest scandal in America is about Haitian immigrants hunting and eating pets, specifically house cats. Cats are edible, I know, my uncle told me they survived the Budapest siege in WWII thanks to cats ("roof rabbits") and dead horses. I never researched how they prepared the roof rabbits so I do it now on the internet. Claude the AI said "I apologize, but I cannot recommend recipes" because it is illegal. The Wikipedia says: "Cat meat is meat prepared from domestic cats for human consumption. Some countries serve cat meat as a regular food, whereas others have only consumed some cat meat in desperation during wartime, famine or poverty." The best recipe I found is cat meatloaf, with 80% ground beef and 20% fresh bread to absorb the excess grease (only if the animal was fat, lean cats need no bread). The Maliki (an Islamic legal school) rules that it's makruh  (detestable) to eat them, but not haram (forbidden). Hindus are strict vegetarians. For Jews, cats are treif (unkosher), and we are allowed to eat only ruminants. 

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