Saturday, November 30, 2024
Friday, November 29, 2024
May the Devil take them all
There are Russian bases nearby.
Let the devil take the hindmost. Even better, take them all.
Thursday, November 28, 2024
ICL: To buy more or to sell all?
ICL is the worst stock in the savings portfolio. For months, if not years, I have wondered whether to continue holding it. Now, I'll try to make a decision. I woke up feeling bad, but after eating breakfast, I was my regular self.
ICL's website does not even mention fertilizers. Potash prices are constantly falling, so the company is trying to rebrand itself as a specialty chemicals producer.That is worrying. It describes the company as:
At ICL, we believe in DIB - Diversity, Inclusion and a sense of Belonging. We are proud to have many talented key female executives, and our employees include multicultural and multigenerational individuals, LGBTQ, and people with disabilities.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Kowtowing to the Great King
Sacrifice to Baal
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Back in Beaufort
ZAHAL forded the Litani River in Lebanon and is moving forward to conquer the Beaufort again. Young people will pass their milium swimming in the Qaroun reservoir.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Looting the Enemy
Voyager 1 still alive
On October 16, NASA beamed a command to Voyager 1 to turn on one of its heaters. The spacecraft responded by ghosting Earth.
It actually took the agency two full days to notice the issue. That's because Voyager 1 is the most distant human-made object, and being almost 25 billion kilometers (15.3 billion miles) away, it takes nearly 23 hours for a message to get there – even at the speed of light – and another 23 hours for a response.
On October 18, Voyager 1 missed its scheduled return call. NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) scanned for the signal and eventually found it on a slightly different frequency band.
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Sleeping and doing nothing
After the family dinner, I took 40 mg of Valium by mistake and slept happily until midday. It was a very quiet Sabbath. I watched the Judge and Mearsheimer predict once more Ukraine's imminent collapse. Now, I am trying to do some work. But no, I cannot avoid wasting time on the net.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Friday double edition of this fishwrap and not a word of foreign news. Totally obsessed with BiBi. My wife does not want to buy another paper. She loves its kitchen pages.
Pic: Guideon Levy, of HaAretz. A self-hating destructive Jew.
Bombs from Space
Russia just sent a strong message to Europe and the US. His weapons are not only dissuasive but actually deployed in war. Russia feels menaced to the point that they are trying to break up and destroy it. On CNN I saw multiple (4 -5) explosions coming very fast in a vertical trajectory. The background is the city of Dniepr. Little explosive power.
The RS-26 is powered by a sophisticated three-stage solid-propellant engine. The first stage delivers a high-thrust boost, propelling the missile out of the atmosphere and minimizing its exposure to early-stage interception attempts. The second stage sustains acceleration, optimizing the missile’s trajectory for long-range flight and maintaining speed to avoid mid-course interception.
The third stage plays a critical role in terminal maneuverability. Unlike conventional solid-fuel systems, the RS-26’s terminal stage may incorporate a liquid-fueled component, particularly when equipped with maneuverable warheads or the Avangard glide vehicle. This configuration provides enhanced control during the reentry phase, allowing the missile to adjust its trajectory to evade advanced missile defense systems and achieve high accuracy. The missile’s propulsion system enables a demonstrated range of approximately 5,800 kilometers. Its terminal speed exceeds Mach 20, translating to over 24,500 kilometers per hour. This extraordinary speed, combined with its maneuverable payload options, ensures the RS-26’s effectiveness in penetrating heavily defended airspace.
The RS-26 Rubezh is designed for both strategic nuclear deterrence and high-precision strikes on critical infrastructure and hardened military targets. Its road-mobile platform allows it to be deployed rapidly and unpredictably, significantly complicating adversary targeting efforts.
With a maximum range of approximately 5,800 kilometers, the RS-26 can target locations across Europe, Asia, and parts of North America. The missile’s MIRV capabilities make it effective against multiple targets in a single mission, while its advanced counter-defense measures and optional Avangard glide vehicle payload enable it to defeat even the most sophisticated missile defense systems.
"If true this will be totally unprecedented and the first actual military use of ICBM. Not that it makes a lot of sense given their price and precision," Andrey Baklitskiy of the U.N. Institute for Disarmament Research posted on X.
They were right
At Trump's first election, German papers aggressively opposed him, describing him as psychotic and dangerous. Der Spiegel wrote in 2018: "Under the will-o'-the-wisp Donald Trump, the world has become a dangerous place." At that time, America had a large foreign exchange deficit, mostly with Germany and less with China. Trump observed that America was being bled by Germany while Germany was not paying for its defense. Germany, now I realize, was fearing Trump, and it appears, rightly.
According to the Economist, German industry today is bankrupt, its exports are falling and the Ukraine war has driven it into a direct conflict with Russia. Germany is in a bad corner and desperate. They had a reason to fear Trump.
Now there are the millions of illegal immigrants in America who are trembling.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
My favorite share was ICL, the Israeli Chemical (Potash) mine in the Dead Sea. The company advertises itself as a specialty chemicals factory; the potash business is now a sideline. All in all, I am losing 37% in many years of holding it. Something happened that I am unaware of. Pic The manager of this disgrace.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Chancay - Shanghai
The Chancay Port project is a collaborative project between China and Peru under the Belt and Road Initiative. Located in the Chancay district of the province of Huaral, Peru, the port is approximately 80 kilometers from the capital, Lima.
Chancay Port is positioned as Peru’s gateway port and regional hub, connected by a tunnel to the Pan-American Highway, directly linking it to the capital Lima. This enables goods to conveniently reach Peru and other Latin American countries, significantly enhancing trade efficiency.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
The Ingalik
The Ingalik shared the Northern Athapaskan worldview of a universe in which all objects had a spirit or soul, yeg. In the beginning, men, animals, and inanimate objects lived together and shared many traits. They later separated and lost the ability to communicate. People were dependent on animals for food and thus had to remain on good terms with them. This they did by observing taboos and treating animals with respect so they would continue to be available for food. Increase ceremonies were performed to attract game and ensure a steady supply. The Ingalik also used a variety of "songs" or magical chants to maintain the balance between the human and spiritual worlds. These songs could be purchased, and both sexes had them. Songs were used to gain good hunting and fishing luck, enhance skills, cure illness and communicate with the spirits. Through possession of songs, nearly everyone had a little shamanistic power. Amulets, often bits of animal skin, bone, or feathers, were worn by all and were often associated with animal songs. Amulets brought specific kinds of luck or conferred special abilities. There were numerous taboos and prohibitions, many of which related to animals. The Ingalik had a rich mythology in which animals and the ritual number 4 were prominent.
Source: The Internet
The Right Wins
I am sleeping too much and working little or nothing. Battling the bureaucracy is dispiriting, and impossible to find interest in the work.
Now, go to work!
Monday, November 11, 2024
The suffering of Odysseus
Reading Homer's Odysseus, Ulisses is well received when he leaves Calypso and lands in the paradisical city of the Phaeacians. Where is this city? Outside the Odyssey, the Phaeacians have no existence at all. There is a reason, of course, that the Phaeacians have no tradition outside the Odyssey, and that is that the Odyssey, which brought the Phaeacians into existence and gave them the function of “home-bringers,” also takes this function away from them. After delivering Odysseus to Ithaca, the Phaeacian ship is turned to stone by angry Poseidon on its return trip.
Another interesting point is that Menelaos does not sail home after the ten-year-long war in Troy but goes to Egypt. Those Ἀχαιοί (Achaeans) as described by Homer, were blood-thirsty pirates and slavers. The sea-peoples' attack on Egypt is real, it was registered in the Egyptian royal archives. In Homer's story, the Phoenicians are a friendly people. It seems true that Lebanon was spared of their attacks. The Ekwesh of the Egyptian records were possibly the Acheans, but they were circumcised. In Homer, the Acheans burn their dead, while the Bronze Age "Greeks" build tumulus (burial mounds or kurgans).
Friday, November 8, 2024
Yehiel Leitner, Ambassador to USA
Yehiel Leiter was born in the U.S. and immigrated to Israel four decades ago. He lives in Eli, East of the city of Ariel. His son Moshe was killed in combat in northern Gaza about a year ago.
The post of ambassador to the U.S. is Leiter's first diplomatic job, after working for decades writing and researching in the Shalem Institute and Herzl Institute. He also served as a senior fellow at the Kohelet Policy forum.
In his youth, Leiter was active in the Jewish Defense League, an organization founded in the U.S. by Rabbi Meir Kahane and later designated as a terrorist organization by U.S. authorities. He was part of a group of activists within the organization who eventually moved to live in settlements in the West Bank.
Kahana's name and ideas were tabu in Israel under the socialist regime. I hesitated even to write his name for fear of losing my job. He was a soft-spoken New York Orthodox rabbi, fighting for the emigration of Soviet Jews.
The sack of Lindisferne
Anno 793 the great house of religion at Lindisferne was sacked by the Vikings, giving start to the Danish invasions of Great Britain. But the catastrophe only fired up English religious fervor. King Burgred of Mercia retired to a monastery when the Danes conquered his kingdom, and many royal princesses entered nunneries in their widowhood. The pilgrimage to Rome was very popular, although disastrous for females, as Cuthbert wrote "There are indeed few cities in Lombardy, or in France, or in Gaul, in which there is not an adulteress or harlot of the English race". Leofgifu, a London woman, died on the road to Jerusalem in about 1060. A Lincolnshire thane called Ulf set out for Jerusalem just before the Norman conquest and was never heard about again. West Saxon Wynfrith who took the name of Boniface became the archbishop of the Germans and it may be said that Western Europe was converted by English missionaries.
All that from a book by D. Whitelock.
Then, in 1066 the Normans crossed the Channel, and divided the country among 180 Norman tenants-in-chief and innumerable mesne (intermediate) tenants, all holding their fiefs by knight service. The replacement of the English aristocracy with a Norman one was paralleled by similar changes of personnel among the clergy. The Saxons became the lower class and even today, a thousand years later, old French family names are frequent in England's aristocracy.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
China's Persistent Food Deficit
My first article on China (30 years ago?) addressed the question of whether China could produce enough food to feed its large population. The fields I visited were very poor and highly contaminated with industrial pollution. I was shocked by the primitive wood water wheel pump, a noria ناعورة, like pictured on Pharaonic tombs, and the state of the crops. In Yunnan, I saw people tending one miserable plant of corn in the depression of a stone and saw the use of black industrial waste as fertilizer. I took pictures and told the magistrates I met, like the vice major of Tientsin. People told me that the local rice was bitter and they sold it and consumed rice from other provinces.
Reading today's paper, I see that the issue remained with China's fast development, and China apparently had given up on the quest for self-sufficiency. Their strategy is the importation of foodstuffs on a massive scale.
"Lin said the Chinese leadership’s emphasis on diversifying food sources, along with consumer demand for diverse and upgraded diets, has also contributed to increased imports.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Thanks Jefe!
Trump carried the elections and Kamala lost. Many were convinced that the millions of new immigrants were in the Democrats' little pocket and that a compact and permanent colored Democratic block had been created. It could have happened that way, but the Democratic leader Kamala was a neurotic, childless woman, while Trump is a real macho and caudillo, what we call in the barrio EL JEFE, shouting follow me while being shot in the head. See pic!
Anyway, Wall Street is optimistic, and NASDAQ added 2.5%. I made (on paper) more today than I did working a full year as a consulting engineer. Last night completed the Bilu Country Club project. It had been on my table for two weeks and was unable to get down and work on it. I am afraid it will be rejected with further, impossible demands, but for a time it is off my shoulders. At the end of my life, it is becoming material what I always knew, I have a good head for maths and finance.
I am giving myself a guimel, a free day.
It was close
Israeli plumbers are increasingly careless. A large sewage pipe just fell on a car stationed on the next street in Raanana. Or was it a Hezbollah rocket?
Yes, that is.
Monday, November 4, 2024
Women Drumming in Washington D.C.
They are demanding the right to kill their own children.