Friday, April 6, 2018

No Eugenics in China

The Third Hospital of Peking University launched a sperm donation campaign from Wednesday to run until May 23, and listed a series of requirements for the donors. Source. 
In addition to being in good health, the hospital says donors must have “favorable political qualities”. “[The donors must] love the socialist motherland and embrace the leadership of the Communist Party,” the notice said. “[He must] be loyal to the party’s tasks, be decent, law-abiding and be free of any political problems.”
Apart from meeting the political requirements, would-be donors must be over 20 years old and show no obvious signs of hair loss, color blindness or weight problems.  

Families applying for IVF treatment wait more than a year, partly due to a shortage of suitable donors. China bans the sale of human semen and women looking to undergo fertility treatment must use non-profit sperm banks. 
For all the fears or hopes that the Chinese are improving their deteriorating gene pool, it appears that it is not happening. Surprisingly, the Chinese are as clueless as their Western counterparts. Much more, in fact, as apparently Party membership is one of the "genes" they are looking for. 

The Wolfowitz Doctrine

In short, the Wolfowitz Doctrine says that the USA should

“prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union."

Obama's do-nothing policy did not prevent anything but conduced exactly to that scenario. Now America is striving to regain its former hegemonic position.It is called Trade War.

America is in War

The Chinese Communist Party declared trade war with the USA and calls the American people to defenestrate President Trump:
 "Most Americans have their life linked with China-US trade.
As the tensions escalate, we want to expand the trade war to all Americans so that they have to choose whether to support Trump's unscrupulous move or to hold the president accountable."
China has crossed the line in the sand: It is paying for its oil purchases with the yuan, its own currency. This is a challenge to the dollar, a bold attack against America.

India is buying weapons. Russia is very quiet. Europe hates Trump and it will take time till it follows his leadership. Japan, South Korea, Israel are in this with Trump.    

China will lose but the future is dark for everybody. 

Rolpens, or Gefilte Keres

Rolpens, the Rolled or Filled Paunch (Rumen) is not a traditional Ashkenazi plate but it could be. The original Dutch filling is minced pork, but that is a small detail, fat goose would taste even better. I love these exotic filled meat and fish preparations but they are tabu in my naturalist, vegetarian, pro-starvation home.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Palestinians Playing with Fire

The Palestinians found a new way to kill us: burning thousands of old tires on the border and using the wind to blow the air pollution into Israel. If "eco-terrorism" ever had a concrete meaning, this is it.

In Israel we buy new tires every four years and the seller has to take back the old tires and recycle them. Burning tires in the open air is a criminal offense.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Israel is Paradise on Earth

I think so. The Eritrean infiltrators are allowed to work but 20% of their salary is retained and paid back when they leave. 16% additional is retained by the employers for an unemployment and retirement fund. An Eritrean in Israel accumulates seventy thousand dollars, yet no one is leaving. Ah, forgot, Israel gives a good-bye present of three thousand dollars to each one voluntarily climbing the airplane's stairs.

Millions of Palestinian "refugees" claiming to be "re-admitted". But no Arab is moving to the Palestinian Authority. These days, hundreds of thousands are risking their lives to break through the border fence in Gaza.

Objectively, they share my conviction that living among Jews is the best and Israel is as close to paradise as a political entity can be.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Millions trying to enter Israel

I wonder how the world will react to the pictures of wild brown masses trying to break through a frontier. I think the pics showing what is happening today in our Gaza border fence represent their innermost nightmares. The European too have sealed their sea and land frontiers trying to stop Third World "refugees", while the USA is building a long wall facing Mexico. The fact that we are like the others only more so did not help us in the past. The Europeans may project their guilt feeling on us. Others may sympathize with out troubles and post sharpshooters as we are doing.