Thursday, May 9, 2019

Israel exports 26 billion dollars worth of thin air in 2018

It appears that the most successful export of Israel is ideas, that is, companies. Luftgescheften. Thin air. Foreigners paid in 2018 26 billion dollars for Israeli companies and startups. What did they paid for? Ideas of products that can be sold. The actual product, once the manufacturing process has been established, can be made anywhere and better and cheaper in China.

Instead of an agricultural powerhouse, as envisioned by the Zionist pioneers, or the planetary finance center, as I thought should be our destiny, we are selling companies. Above: Eyal Waldman, founder of the Mellanox company whose product is cloud solutions, recently sold it to Nvidia for 7.36 billion US dollars.

What are cloud solutions? and why it is worth so much?  Right: "The Clouds" by Aristophanes, a witty, mordant play on Socrates' "idea shop". 

Balls on Ice

Mike Jagger (left: recent pic) got his girlfriend pregnant at age 72, at an age that the average man (not me!) has sex once a year, at most. How he does it? There are proven ways to increase old man fertility, and the most effective is the one employed in Argentina with older or indifferent reproductor bulls. They put the abulic bull to pasture in the same potrero with a young heifer for several days. Nothing happens but as the days go, they get more familiar with each other. Then they introduce a young potent bull into the potrero and the newcomer starts courting the heifer. The old bull suddenly loses its calm and excitedly pushes the youngster away and fucks the heifer. 

Amazingly, watching porn before sex also increases potency and sperm volume and quality, and the best porn is one girl with two men. The competitive instinct kicks in and the body tries to make sure that its sperm will win the competition. Take my word, this trick works. 

Be cool is also a piece of good medical advice. Reducing the temperature of the testicles improves sperm formation. There are underwear models with pockets for ice cubes, not very comfortables but effective. Two hours a day make the trick.

The most pleasurable method is five minutes of foreplay. Doctors advise it for females but it works also for men, an increase their sperm volume significantly. Find an attractive, friendly woman and try it. Any volunteers out there?

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Struggling to Recover Work Habit

In the last two weeks I have been working but without my former enthusiasm.  Most of the pressure comes from projects that I had given for finished, but the regulators demand additions and explanations. That is, unpaid work. Yet it has to be done. I am feeling despair about the permitting system in Israel, the regulators - bureaucrats in their air-conditioned offices - fell no shame in demanding 10 thousand dollars worth of reports and plans from a poor Oriental Jew who dreams of opening a small bakery or workers restaurant. I commented on this scandal with some of my colleagues but they are indifferent, cynical, and even exploitative.  I am losing my taste for this line of work. Pic.: A corner kitchen of a mini-"humuseria", humus and felafel eatery in Kfar Saba. I am working on the permit in the last six months and there is always some additional document that is missing or needs correcting.

PS.: My criticism of the native bureaucracy may be unjust. The London sewage outlet project (the Thames Tunnel) required a 50,000 pages permitting submission. 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

The city opens anti-air refuges

The Major Rafi Sa'ar ordered the opening of the anti-air refuges and start preparations for missiles incoming from Gaza. We are in the Sharon area, 25 km north of Tel Aviv. Already there are three civilian victims in the South, and this confrontation appears to be increasing. The Arabs should consider that we have a brand new Chief of Staff, hungry for action and begging to show he is not Mr. Milquetoast. Photo: Reuters. 

Saturday, May 4, 2019

100 hours riding the 6 Train

We lived in City Island in the Bronx and each day we took the 6 Train from Pelham Bay Park to Manhattan and back, a one hour ride. I made my shopping in the K-Mart and J.Penney and so in the Pelham Bay Park Center, and ate at the most proletarian Thai food stall in the third floor of the Mall. I can honestly state that in three weeks saw not a WASP person (say tall, slim, blondish and clear eyes). Everybody I met in the Bronx was Afro-American, Afro-African and many many Caribbeans and Central Americans. I had spent months in New York in the winter of 1969 (my graduation foreign trip) and the Bronx was Jewish and Italian and Irish and remembered well the architecture and infrastructure. At first, I was rather amazed by the replacement of the population, but soon I got used to it and being a native Spanish speaker, I felt at home among the friendly Latinos. Moreover, people were polite, non-violent and cleanly dressed, sitting quietly in the train playing games on the phone or hearing music through earphones. The level of human noise, shouts and so, was zero. It was as if everybody had been on tranquilizers. In the seventies, there were many shops selling hard drinks, the owners had guns in sight against robberies, now I could not find one liquor store, and did not see even one drunk holding the brown paper bag with a bottle inside, as was so common in my former visit. The trains were old, the wagons jumped and made frightening mechanical noises, but fifty years ago that was normal and certainly better than Argentine trains; today - compared with the trains in China and Israel - the 6 trains are dilapidated wrecks. But clean and working. A hundred percent (!) of the personnel is African American, middle-aged obese men, and women, polite and efficient: as said,  the trains were clean and on time. They spoke strongly accented English, some exaggerated Black speech so that I understood none of the announcements but when asked face to face, they made an effort to communicate. Before traveling, I made a research on the internet about the physical dangers awaiting us and found maps with neatly delined dangerous areas, but in reality, the streets were clean and no menacing persons could be seen. I found the Bronx and New York in general totally pacified and safe. I can report not one violent scene and not even one naked knife or gunshot. Oh yes! The police shooting range is in City Island and lots of shots were heard during the day.


In the last fifty years, a total replacement of the population took place. One wonders where the natives had gone, where are the Anglosaxons and the Jews. The current population, contrary to my internet impressions, is quieter and safer than it was then. No drunks nor angry Blacks on the train. It is less amazing and exciting a place than it was then, but now I am old and less excitable.

The infrastructure - transportation, traffic, water, sewage, communication, etc. - has been maintained and everything is working, but it is old and antique in comparison with younger, more advanced cities.

The air is pure and the water is potable. The food and cloth are cheaper and of better quality than Israel.

All in all, New York is an aging (maybe decaying) city and a good place to live.

Photo: The Pelham Bay Park Station. Source. This guy had a better camera and more talent than I.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Israel: Tax Paradise

I feel I am paying exorbitantly excessive taxes, but it appears that Israel is a veritable tax paradise. The graph above reflects the "tax wedge" extracted by the State from a typical employee. In Israel it is about 20% in comparison with 30% in the USA and 55% in Belgium. I always thought Norway, with its oil exports and reserves, imposes no personal taxes, but it seems that it squeezes twice as much as the State of Israel squeezes from poor us. 

Elijah will appear and come

The song of Toharlev  יעלה ויבוא about the promise that he (Elijah, the prophet from Gilead) will come and the fire in his trail. King Ahab allied Israel with the Phoenicians and married his son to the daughter of the King of Tzidon, and promoted the cult of the Canaanite God Baal per contra the nameless Judean God worshipped in the Temple of Jerusalem. Elijah was a popular rabble-rouser and his worst political enemy. Elijah is believed to be the harbinger of the Messiah and of the eschaton. Ancient politics and old songs... The singer, Gidi Gov, is almost blind.