Friday, May 17, 2019

Net Zero Water Building

The American Government has developed the idea of net zero building  (see scheme below) and now that I see it in its official configuration, I say it is unsustainable, it is fantastic money burning machine, pure unadulterated, preservers-free nonsense. It requires about ten times the length of piping of a conventional house, many pumps, and control systems, it requires space to connect all these pipes (and space within the building is very scarce), it requires a spacious underground basements (with lighting and air conditioning), it requires two underground water tanks (and a large one for fire fighting, did they forget?) and two water and sewage purification facilities (consuming lots of energy and chemicals) and so. The maintenance of two WWTPs is a headache, just think of the amount of plumbing work required to maintain a simple conventional building. What if the electricity supply is unreliable? The sewage will rot and contaminate the building? The health risks of a conventional building are serious, imagine how dangerous will be here, having abandoned the proven, centuries-old concept of disposing of the sewage immediately and as far as possible from the building, here it is storing and manipulating it. The chemical disinfectants like chlorine and additives like flocculants required are, in themselves, a pollution source. It is a nightmare, I would not live in such a bad-smelling, dirty, polluted, unhealthy house.

On the other hand, the water and sewage supplied by the municipalities are perfectly good and very inexpensive. Why should we want to disconnect from public services? The concept is sick and crazy.

Infographic titled Scenario 1: The Ideal Net Zero Water Building.


Ten years old Heartiste blog just disappeared from the internet and nothing related to it can be found through google or other search machines. It was a gross and offensive etzesgibber (advice-giver) about how to seduce girls. Once I commented on the blog that cynically manipulating a girl into the feeling that she was developing a stable relationship only to leave her was immoral. Not that I never did abandon a lover, but I always believed bona fide that I was to marry the girl in question. I always suffered much in the break-up and was never cynical or exploitative.

The epidemy of deplatforming is raging all over the internet. Spandrell is moving his blog out of the public sphere to a private address, in a futile anticipatory move. I commented that it is useless because in a totalitarian environment there is no place to hide, only strict secrecy and camouflage. He should know because he is from the former Soviet Union (I presume). 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Eight Wonder of the World

"Start saving young" is a good advise, because compound interest is a miracle. Looking back (I have more past than future) I owe my present relative prosperity to early accumulation added to my parents' hard work and saving.

But there is more to that. My current abundance of projects is a direct consequence of thirty years of work and writing articles and books with no immediate monetary or prestige results. Suddenly I am known and strangers beg me to manage their projects. For long it was like my work was not noticed, but it was and now it is producing fruits.

I tried to have children while young, but it did not work out as planned. Having children was much more difficult than imagined and took much more time. Anyway, now my children are producing marvelous grandchildren, making me happy. Compound interest equation is working also here.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Bullshit Jobs: Permitting

"In the year 1930, John Maynard Keynes predicted that, by century's end, technology would have advanced sufficiently that countries like Great Britain or the United States would have achieved a 15-hour work week. There's every reason to believe he was right. In technological terms, we are quite capable of this. And yet it didn't happen. 

Instead, technology has been marshaled, if anything, to figure out ways to make us all work more. In order to achieve this, jobs have had to be created that are, effectively, pointless. Huge swathes of people, in Europe and North America in particular, spend their entire working lives performing tasks they secretly believe do not really need to be performed. 

The moral and spiritual damage that comes from this situation is profound. It is a scar across our collective soul. Yet virtually no one talks about it." Source.

How do they know me? How do they know what I am thinking all the time? I spend most of my working time on fulfilling permitting demands, forms and the caprices of regulators (typically a middle-aged educated female trying to tell herself that she is doing something vital, important).

My only salvation is being paid. Sometimes, because my clients are aware of the futility of the permitting obligation and the waste of its cost and the consequent investments it always implies. They demand from ME (ME!) an explanation  why they should spend money on fighting imaginary, non-existent risks to the Earth (like my zero water and energy consuming projects). I have no convincing answers. 

"It's Frankensteen":


Saturday, May 11, 2019

What to do with myself?

I find myself nearing the end of my life, after having achieved my life goals, and still healthy and no diseases. I still have all my teeth and dream wet dreams. I took a long, enjoyable vacation in City Island, and now back home am rolling up my unfinished projects. It is boring. There are several interesting openings, but thinking them over, I realize I have done the same things in the past.  Well, I cannot sleep and drink and read about English landowning aristocrats all day long. I'll be active and engaged, something will come up.  

Friday, May 10, 2019

Living in a World of Un-Free Competition

It is clear and obvious that in economic life, free competition leads to the fast ruin of all the participants. Therefore the absolute need for cartelization.  And cartels can exist only with strong policing. Conclusion: Police is the key to well functioning, efficient and peaceful human societies.

I am reading about the economic history of Britain and how difficult was the transition from an economy regulated by trade guilds to a more open, almost competitive environment. Guilds were imperative for the survival of small tradesmen, limiting free competition that would have ruined all in no time. Guilds were severely self-regulated and they constantly protected their economic niche. They organized public parades to affirm their legality. Their most difficult problem was how to fix the "just price" for their products and services, that would allow their existence and at the same time, be acceptable for their customers. They were necessarily against innovations that would lead to differences between members and possibly destroy their regulated system - see Luddite rebellion. They were against newcomers, especially Jews that were more efficient and would undercut them.

We in the West live in a semi-free competition world. I am an engineer and my income is regulated by my guild and the State protection: for building permits and so a submittal signed by a professional engineer is needed. No building of business can operate without paying a fee to me or my guild members. The medicine trade is even more protected, as are architects and lawyers. To work as a lawyer in Israel, it is not enough to pass the university exams, there are guild exams too (very difficult) and the need to serve for a nominal salary as an intern in a law office. It is the same master system of the medieval guilds. In Israel, the rules to practice the trade were relaxed and suddenly there were thousands of immigrant doctors and layers competing with old, established practitioners. Very rapidly the guilds closed ranks and with the help of the State, they erected tall barriers. Interestingly, Israeli Arabs are accepted in existing guilds, they are equals and even given priority to practice in their ethnic community.

The Israeli state is constantly inventing new regulations and imposing new barriers for everything. I know of public lobbying such as the lawyers, that succeeded in limiting the number of new lawyers. New franchised professions are being created each day, such as teachers of retarded, that have to get master specialization and soon, probably, Ph.D. A building permit may require acoustic experts,  endangered species expert, whatnot. Twenty years ago most fields were open, and I did expert opinions in chicken farm smells, in chimney pollution, in many nascent areas. Today, all those areas are covered by licensed "experts" with officially recognized diplomas. I could find new, yet unregulated niches, but I have too much work and feel tired and old. I am looking forward to retirement and death.

An example of what I am talking about is "Street Sweeping Expert" (see below). Mr Carter offers his services and his certification as expert. He has developed the "Certified Sweeper Operator" which probably merits better salary conditions and may one day evolve into a licensed trade guild a-la attorney or pharmacist. Should Mr Carter get his way, the day will come when you cannot work as a street sweeper without a "Certified Street Swiper" degree.

Additional Information

There are six kinds of sweeping.  While there is some overlap, each has different equipment and skill sets.
• Parking Lot Sweeping
• Construction Site Sweeping
• Highway and Roadway Sweeping
• Municipal Street Sweeping
• Indoor and Warehouse Sweeping
• Private Community Sweeping
Mark Carter has experience in all six types of sweeping.   He has over 10,000 hours of  “in the seat” operator experience as well as 30+ years running a street sweeping company.  He has trained over 100 sweeper operators in the basics, advanced techniques, and best practices.
He is a past president of the North American Power Sweeping Association and has served on the Board of Directors for 20+ years.  He has chaired the National Certification Committee for sweeping companies and chaired the Certified Sweeper Operator committee that developed a national online training course to train and certify sweeper operators.