Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bad News for POT and me

Deep under the North York Moors Area there is a reservoir of potassium fertilizer without Cloride. It is better than the Dead Sea Potash. Sirius is selling it as POLY4. This thing could disrupt worldwide fertilizer markets and devaluate investments in Israel, Jordan, Saskatchewan, Ukraine and even the Colluli project in Eritrea. Sirius estimates the cost of production of POLY4 at 32.60 $ per tonne, and sale price of 158 $ per tonne. If that comes to fruition, POT called ICL in Israel is doomed. What really bothers me is the projected price for potash fertilizer, which is lower than current price. If so, the probability of fat dividends is zero. This week I shall start liquidating my beloved shares.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Kibbutz in the North

The family spent the weekend in the kibbutz of my little daughter. They have two factories, nut tree plantations and sheep. The managing committee is a gerousia of retired elders. My impression is that the commune is unsustainable, there is a permanent loss of younger people and birthrate under replacement. They compensate by accepting working age candidates, including Arabs, who - private opinion here -  are unsuited for egalitarian communal life. Some colored children. It is not behooving to notice the browning of the kibbutz. Let's hope no one reads this. 

Crossness Sewage Pumping Station becomes a Circus

Crossness was a key element of the 19th Century London's sewage system and it has been nicely conserved. It embodies the industrial revolution, with its massive iron pumps. Improbably, Crossness was transmuted into a tourist attraction and now, a circus. I wanted very much to visit it when in London but it was closed (asbestos removal). Next time. I like London. 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Turkish Paradox

Hungarian President Orban said that in this very moment, 100 thousand "refugees" are walking in the Balkan migration track, trying to infiltrate Europe. And Hungary is ready to repulse them with fire, should they reach the Slovak border. Personally he does not enjoy the idea, but there is Erdogan holding 2.5 million Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Turkey, being fed by EU transfers, and he may open the borders anytime he feels so.

Not that Europe cannot stop any number of unarmed pedestrian migrants, it could be done bloodlessly by erecting a wall, or by shooting the vanguard of the invader column. But Europe is paralyzed by its universalist ideals inherited from the French Revolution. They do not want to face Erdogan's blackmail and their position should be appreciated.

Erdogan pretends to represent and lead the Turks, but he is not. He is strong against Europe but weak against far away China. The Uyghur and the Kazakhstan Turks are being jailed and re-educated by their millions in Western China. An historically Turkish area that used to be called East Turkestan is being absorbed into ethnic China. One or two million Turks are jailed there and there is no one to talk for them, surely not Erdogan.  The Uyghurs are part of the enormous Turkish nation that lives from China to Europe, hundreds of millions of ethnically homogeneous people. It is not the first time China is absorbing a large piece of real estate, it has done in Tibet and today Tibet is securely part of China. But the Tibetans had no ethnic relatives nor allies, they were an isolated indigenous highland people. The Uyghurs should have ethnic Turkish and religious Muslim friends.  They never were friends of the Jews, so I shall say nothing for them. Let Erdogan defend them.  I end echoing Donald Trump's sentiment: The pox on all of them. 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Making Fun of Franco Strocchi

A decade after its publication, a humorous paper by Gare de Lyon (or some other masonic pseudonym) where he makes fun of the verbosity of a collegue Prof. Franco Strocchi (on breaking symmetry), appeared on my computer monitor. The paper demonstrates that NorthEast Asians are smarter than Europeans BUT the they have lower verbal IQ, so they may form efficient hunting parties but they will always be lost in a capitalist society. Therefore their GNP will never exceed Western countries' GNP. We can rest assured that we have nothing to fear from Amerindian and Chinese competition. Yet the 2019 SAT results in America show that things are changing. Whites were bested by the Asian students taking the test. Must we conclude that IQ is not fixed? Should be worried? Funny, is it not? 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rejtő Jenő: Vesztegzár a Grand Hotelben

Wow! Our home in Buenos Aires was full of popular cheap short novels by Hungarian humorist Rejtő Jenő, and I devoured them all. Times were bad in Budapest of the thirties, and the novels -  took him a week to write - allowed him to eat. 

I loved the story of a luftgescheft Jew who sold the French Foreign Legion cheap "military" equipment like black handbags that he bought in a fire sale. He describes the Legionnaires marching in formation in the desert holding the fashionable handbags and flowery parasols. Unforgettably funny. Now a theater in Budapest announces a play based on another of his cheap novels: Quarantine in the Grand Hotel. There is a contagious disease and the authorities close down the hotel, no one gets in nor out. The hotel is full of international shysters and crooks, an intrigue develops to steal the valuable Bananoxid patent. A musical. No one is what it appears to be. May be in November I can take off a weekend and return to enjoy my mythical Ur culture. Budapest, Vienna, Berlin are still living off the cultural produce of the Jews. 

Coffee Aroma Closed Indefinitely by Ministry of Health

Two healthy persons were hospitalized after eating a tuna sandwich in Aroma coffeeshop in Tel Aviv, Sderot Ben Gurion. I live on canned tuna and Aroma is my client, so I am interested. It appears that about 0.5% of the population is allergic to fish, some to the point reacting to a kiss by a person who has eaten fish. The Aroma incident did not happen because the allergen was not on the label, most clearly it was a tuna sandwich. Now the health authorities are developing a frenzied media activity to show that they care and protect. They unchained a dozen inspectors to dismantle the place and find something criminal (apparently the temperature in one of the refrigerators was above the regulation. It happens all the time. It is late summer here, very hot.). 

These allergies are somewhat of a mystery. People who had experience with some molecule in infancy acquire tolerance to it as adult. Children are so overprotected that they grow up with weaknesses. Children should have a (moderately) dangerous childhood.

P.S.: Now the media is talking of food poisoning. That is more fathomable than allergy to tuna.