Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Jews Becoming (Again) a Race

An idea is circulating that to combat antisemitism the Jews should be declared a "race" in America, with the effect that every anti-Semitic expression or comment would be automatically classified as a "racist" attack. And there is nothing a more serious crime in America than being a racist or being accused of racism. The punishments are draconian.

How could we suddenly be declared a race when for 70 years we the Jews and the liberals the world over had been fighting the very concept that race exists, and that we Jews are a separate, identifiable, race ? Technically, it can be done because race is such a vaporous concept that everything can be a race. The question is: Is this good for the Jews? I have to think it over.

Pic.: Kautsky: the Father of Communism/Social Democracy wrote about the question a hundred years ago. He says we are not. And nothing will come out of Zionism. 

Monday, December 9, 2019

TAHAL Shares Jump 63%

Tahal, my alma mater, lost money in Romania, and its African clients do not pay in time. It has contracts signed in Angola (pic. Quiminha) but no money to carry them out. Tahal's owner, KARDAN, has been trying to sell it for years but there was no buyer. Yesterday they bagged an offer for 12 million US$ from Shikun VeBinui group, and the bourse's reaction was electric. I own some, till yesterday, was worthless. The purchase agreement contains a seller's loan for 12 million, so apparently no money changed hands. The international agricultural development business is not profitable. 

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Trump is a Genius

Trump orders review of EPA water rules because “people are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times”. I have the same thought every time in the toilet. Being a professional even calculated the volume of water and the flow velocity to carry away different objects. Human dirt is sticky and flexible, and 7 liters in the Niagara will not sweep it away. I have a collection of "green" ecological issues that are counterproductive, including the new regulation that requires Green Certification. Trump is a builder, he must have come in contact with this expensive absurdity, but never talked. Trump is like the child who cried: "The King is Naked". I like him. 

“People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once. They end up using more water,” Trump said, complaining that water flow in other fixtures has slowed to a trickle. “You can’t wash your hands practically, there’s so little water comes out of the faucet, and the end result is you leave the faucet on and it takes you much longer to wash your hands, you end up using the same amount of water.”  

The New York Times has identified 53 separate rules that have completed the rollback process at the agency, and 32 more that are still in the works.  GOOD JOB MR PRESIDENT! 

Israeli Space Agency: Send the Women to the Moon

I seem to have read that some Israeli space agency recommends sending the women to the moon. Probably I have misread the article, but have no time to read the small print as the bourse is boiling.

Anyway, it is a good idea. 

The Gothár Scandal creates an Explosion of Antisemitism in Hungary

Peter Gothár is/was director of the Katona Theater in Budapest and a drama teacher. A year ago he was fired from his job because sexual harassment of an actress. A year later, now, the affair became public, and the Government decided to defund the theater. 

What is the point of punishing the theater? Their aim is to frighten the intellectual-artistic world. The sex-maniac instead of hiding in shame stepped forward and made full confession:  “A year ago, I approached a female co-worker of mine in the theatre in a morally inexcusable way. A few days later, I apologized and was forgiven.” The University of Theatre and Film Arts, where Gothár is a professor, stated that Gothár himself requested an ethical examination. 

Apparently he kissed an actress, no physical violence took place, but for some reason, months later, the actress denounced with the theater management. (The most dangerous thing for a man is to kiss a woman and let her go unfulfilled. She will ruminate the episode and take revenge.) The extraordinary thing is the Orban Government reaction of defunding the theater, and the media reaction of vicious anti-Semitic comments. Like many in the Budapest artistic milieu, Gothar is one of Budapest's hidden Jews, born a Christian whose only connection to the Jewish people is a vague knowledge that his parents (or one of them) had been persecuted by the Nazis. Jews are hated so much in Hungary that the Government digs up people's grandparents identities and if they discover "Jewish blood", it will not allow them to forget and hide their unwanted origin. Why is Mr Gothár and others like him still in Europe?

Friday, December 6, 2019

Flint Water Poisoning: The Jews Did It

I am following the Flint fake water poisoning from its very start, but did not expect that it would lead to blaming the Jews. Although I know that in the end everything bad is blamed on the Jews (nowadays, the Zionists).  

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)'s Passaic, N.J. Branch on Wednesday published a Facebook post claiming that African-Americans "are dying so that Jews can live."

In the post, NAACP Passaic shared a article titled "Israel gets $50 billion while America cannot afford clean water for Flint."

The article focuses on the town of Flint, Michigan, which has been "terribly affected by the presence of contaminants in their drinking water and yet the people who live there have not been deemed worthy of federal funding."

It claims that the Democrats have tried to push to give $400m to Flint for "the worst public health crisis the United States has endured in recent memory," but were rebuffed by Republicans. It then claimed Israel had "demanded" the US increase its budget to $50 billion.

"For some this refusal is only more upsetting because while the United States apparently cannot give money to its own citizens in their time of desperate need, they have sent $30 billion to the state of Israel over the last ten years," the article wrote.

Commenters on NAACP Passaic's Facebook page pointed out that the Facebook post is anti-Semitic, and that anti-Semitism is not the way to solve Flint's water crisis.

Queefing ... in French

The phenomenon is well known to me but I did not know that it had a name (or many). Like the one who did not know that he was speaking in prose...

In French... La terminologie utilisée pour décrire ce phénomène varie grandement, allant du jargon médical à des termes bien moins châtiés, aussi bien en anglais qu’en français : vents vaginaux (vaginal winds), vaginal air (air vaginal), bruits vaginaux (vaginal noise), noisy vagina (vagin bruyant), pets vaginaux (vaginal fart, queefing, queef), flatulence vaginale (vaginal flatus), colpophony (colpophonie), chattering vulva (littéralement, vulve bavarde), frout (contraction de foufoune et de prout), voire « pet de fouf ». Flatus vaginalis et le garrulitas vulvae (littéralement, bavardage de l’utérus) sont deux termes latins également rencontrés dans la littérature médicale internationale. Autant de termes cités dans l’article de Gérard Amarenco et ses collègues urologues de l’hôpital Tenon (Paris) et celui publié par des médecins belges en 2017 dans l’European Journal of Obstetrics and Reproductive Biology.

This is a learning diary, and although I am old old, keep learning something new every day. The pic show a Paleolithic Venus recently discovered in France.