Friday, February 7, 2020

The Pangolin Virus

It appears that the bat coronavirus was transmitted to humans via the pangolin in Wuhan wet market. Pangolins are hunted and eaten for their erection enhancing (imagined) virtues.

The poor beast does not ruminate nor has other signs of being kosher. A normal, non-starving  person would not eat it.   

Shaar Benjamin

Yesterday I travelled to the Shaar Benjamin Industrial Park, a stone throw distance from the Qalandia Palestinian Refugee Camp. Twelve years ago, a Sepharadi baker from the nearby Adam settlement, was the first to move to the new business park, and contracted me to design a three floor building. He added a restaurant. There was nothing in that stony desert but a Rami Levy Supermarket, built - I think - for Ramallah Arab customers. He later rented the building to the police and built a larger bakery on the main street (pic). Planned by me too. Now he is expanding and called me. It seems to me that Arabic speaking Jews feel at home in the Shomron, bought land, started businesses, built large buildings and made money.

The GPS is not working well in the West Bank so I followed Google Map route that made me ramble all over Samaria. I arrived at midday dead tired. The place has grown but still is quite empty. The Palestinian contractor explained to me that Ramallah has developed and is full of supermarkets and shops which are cheaper and people do not need Shaar Benjamin. The man dreams of joining his brother in Sevilla, "for his children". There are five or ten very rich people in Ramallah, he said, the rest are poor.  A typical Middle East dictatorship. The next door Qalandia Refugee Camp is not a camp but a typical Arab East Jerusalem neighborhood, from the road it looks clean and well maintained. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Diversity in Swiss Banking

In order to inject new ideas into the uber-conservative Swiss banking, the country's largest bank handed it to Chief Executive Officer Tidjane Thiam, an athletic, talented Senegalese, who started a deep revamping of the organization.  The stock is down by almost half since Thiam took over in mid-2015, after he tapped shareholders for fresh capital. 

Worse, the bank's internal workings have been exposed as slightly un-Swiss, as its top wealth manager Iqbal Khan was spied on following an altercation between Thiam and Khan. Swiss bankers used to be dumb, boring and reliable. This is hardly good for business. In fact, a campaign for sacking Tiam is being fought, but that would look racist.  

Tunnels Under London

Under London there is a labyrinth of infrastructure: underground trains, WW2 antiair refuges, secret nuclear bunkers, power tunnels, Victorian era sewage tunnels and more. To install new infrastructure the bureaucracy is worse than the Israeli red tape, because under today's London there is the London of the Roman era, whose remnants are untouchable. The new sewage system had to be built under the river Thames and the paperwork comprised some one hundred large books. I have visited that work and shall write about it. But see the power infrastructure, which is most impressive. The English are still capable of large, complicated  projects.  I don't notice decadence.  

Monday, February 3, 2020

Kushnir's Peace Plan

Kushnir, President Bush's son in law, has proposed a peace plan for Israel that includes a map that is very similar to the Oslo accord, and sovereignty in all Eretz Israel this side of the Jordan. For all the good intentions, I think it will get no traction, first because the Palestinians plainly rejected it, and second, because the Israeli right and Israeli Arabs are fiercely against it.

Apparently, the Plan includes moving the frontier in the Triangle (that is the area where I live and am familiar with) so the three or four Arab villages (cities, in fact) would lose their Israeli citizenship and find themselves ruled by the corrupt and violent Palestinian government. I say that it will not work, since Israeli Arabs are aware of their privileged status, that includes an effective police, social security, free medical care, unemployment payments, and participation in Israel's dynamic economy, and will not accept any change. Most Arabs work in nearby Jewish towns and enjoy labor rights and high salaries - on the other hand, they fulfil vital roles as construction specialists and contractors, health care workers, supermarket cashiers and so. These cities have also developed a class of wealthy entrepreneurs (I did work for them and always paid me, something Jews … well, leave it) and a powerful political lobby.

Depriving of citizenship a large segment of the population, like Modi did to Indian Muslims, cannot be done in Israel. It is true that no one cares about the many millions of Indian Muslims, and no one really cares about Palestinians. But they care for the Jews and they hate us virulently. The whole anti-Semitic world is just waiting for an alibi to condemn us and much worse. We must avoid giving them a cause.

If the real intention is to restart the negotiations or to frighten Israeli Arabs, then it may accomplish its objectives. I assume Bibi would not have agreed otherwise.

P.S.: On the other hand, The Triangle is foreign body incrusted in the heart of Israel. Politically, it is passive today, and gradually integrating, but could become hostile during a Jew vs Palestinian war. As always, I am uncertain and undecided. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

China Closed

The picture of the deserted Nanjing Road in Shanghai shows the degree of the panic that seized China. The government decreed that the New Year holiday will be extended till Febr. 10. I do not know if the panic is justified but closing down a country is a tragedy in itself. The internet is buzzing with conspiracy theories, as it always does.

Anyone who has been in China in the last two weeks is turned back at Ben Gurion airport. Air crew included. Not nice, but this disease seems very nasty.

P.S.: Received a mail with a comprehensive updated report on the disease. Here