Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Zionist Dream is Materializing

The most improbable, impossible dream of the Zionist Movement was American Jews making Aliyah. In the Goldene Medine dollars grew on the trees, Jews were free and every opportunity was open for them. And they enjoyed the highest living standard. No one believed that they will leave that paradise for this stony desert in permanent conflict. Yet this month some 1000 families filled the forms to make aliyah. It appears that America is no more what it used to be, and the Jews are starting to leave. Coming home. In the pic: A family of seven, just arrived. 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Grease Separator Calculation

The Water Authorities have been demanding calculation of FOG separators and rejecting all calculations. I discovered the European method of NS and copied it and inserted my figures but without really understanding it. Now I took a minute to learn what it is about, and learnt that NS is the throughput in liters per second. This method is valid for surface runoff, and a 2100 Romold fuel separator's NS is 6 lt/sec.

But kitchen flows are much lower in the order of 0.1 lt/sec. So the NR calculation is not valid for food industry - or is it? - , but they have been accepting my calculations. Apparently no one in the Water Authority+Ministry of Environment +Ministry of Health knows how the calculation is done. My dilemma, now, consists in how to keep them satisfied in a situation where the regulators have not the vaguest idea of the method. I'll continue with the successful pretending of how to calculate separator volume according to the desired system. I certainly shall not try to explain or teach them. That is one of the disadvantages of being too clever. 

A good baby, Ella

Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Jews Are Coming

Left: portraits of four Israeli startups that are vacuuming NASDAQ and taking home billions. I find nothing special in their looks, but they are miracle workers. There is a tremendous demand for Israeli technological startups in the world. 

Friday, June 5, 2020

Wall Street reaction to Black Riots

Wall Street says: Me, worry? Blacks are doing what they always do. The market is flooded with liquidity. All the indices are rising. Mister Hoover says this is the time to buy.

Zoominfo, the Israeli company my daughter is working for, raised one billion dollars on the NASDAQ. 

The Ministry of Truth

Orwell, in 1984, imagined a Ministry of Truth controlling the papers of the day and rewriting the past. What is happening now is worse, the media is fanatically distorting reality and presenting a view - a narrative - that is fake to the bone. The recent riots in America could easily cause a race war, so the media is trying to hide the destruction and showing peaceful Blacks, all to avoid any reaction by the White majority. No politicians or leaders, no important institution is coming out openly against this pogrom and senseless destruction, which is a very bad sign of how terrified they are. In fact, the riot is done with no resistance by the police or the armed forces, instead with direct encouragement by the authorities.  The media and the establishment has adopted the slogans of the rioters: Black lives matter. That is something to wonder. 

Anything I google, smiling Black doctors and laughing mulatto girls come up on the screen, as if we were in some  imaginary Wakanda. Frightening how the media is trying to make people forget Black looting and manipulate people.  Pic.:

Space scientist, Maggie Aderin-Pocock sets the co-ordinates for the distant future

Back on the tracks

After two weeks of little doing and low productivity, finally I completed the Natania "Four Seasons Beach" project and dispatched it. Now I am starting the Mashani project. My right foot is aching - I self diagnosed sciatica and recommended rest.

I do not know why I am working so hard. I hate social occasions, and hate sports, have no TV and never go to the movies. I cannot take my eyes from the girls but, should I catch one, what would I do with her? I follow the TASE pondering how to invest my handful of sheqalim, but I cannot understand how Central Banks pumping money is not causing inflation. The multiple stimulus of low energy prices and excess liquidity is just maintaining the real economy afloat, ergo we must be in deep depression. Now what?