Two weeks ago I discovered Twitter, and Lili, a 24 y.o. twitterist with 3000 followers. The fat raccoon above is NOT Lili, but her banner, how she sees herself. Obviously, this is a girl with self-image and self-worth issues. She also posted a passport pic and a full body pic in the mirror. She is a perfectly nice clear-eyed Tel Aviv girl. She twits a lot. A lot! The obvious question is why and the obvious answer is to attract attention and get asked out by a suitable boy. She wrote: "To be a good girl from a good family does not bring boys to the yard". In the original: חצר that also means court or playground. She revealed that she already comes with "neduniya" (dowry) without saying that: "My grandmother gave me a present דורון apartment, but I would like to return it so the boys will want me for a present and not me for the present" (free translation of her high Hebrew. She is very intelligent.).
A boy commented something. Lili: "You are dying for me". The boy: "I like you only on twitter because here I can have you in small portions". Lili is taking Biology and "Gender studies" at Gilman Bldg. of Tel Aviv University. Her parents came to visit her from the exclusive Artists' Village where they live. Lili introduced a friend. The friend: How do you do? Father: "Are these gender studies also rotting your brain?"
She mentions her family, of the Old German Jewish elite. The grand-uncle founded the Technion, aunt Trude is a known painter. A friendly girl warned her to hide these details because boys are easily intimidated.
A gentleman should never read the intimate diary of a young girl, but isn't it fascinating? I never paid two seconds of attention to the sentiments of anybody, less than all of the crying girls. Goodness gracious! I am growing sentimental (=senile)!
P.D.: There is no anonymity on the internet. I found out - easily - her name and the name of his father, who is a professional copywriter. Lili's only problem is that she is taller than average Israeli boys. I understand it is a big problem for her. With this, hereby I am stopping reading her and her friends' chitchat.
P.D.: 12-11-21 She writes
חחחחח אני אנמית ויש לי 

That explains all. She is anemic and has EDS. That is why she complains of being too tall. No fun at all. I'll stop here.