Saturday, October 30, 2021



Two weeks ago I discovered Twitter, and Lili, a 24 y.o. twitterist with 3000 followers. The fat raccoon above is NOT Lili, but her banner, how she sees herself. Obviously, this is a girl with self-image and self-worth issues. She also posted a passport pic and a full body pic in the mirror. She is a perfectly nice clear-eyed Tel Aviv girl. She twits a lot. A lot! The obvious question is why and the obvious answer is to attract attention and get asked out by a suitable boy. She wrote: "To be a good girl from a good family does not bring boys to the yard". In the original: חצר that also means court or playground. She revealed that she already comes with "neduniya" (dowry) without saying that: "My grandmother gave me a present דורון apartment, but I would like to return it so the boys will want me for a present and not me for the present" (free translation of her high Hebrew. She is very intelligent.). 

A boy commented something. Lili: "You are dying for me". The boy: "I like you only on twitter because here I can have you in small portions". Lili is taking Biology and "Gender studies" at Gilman Bldg. of Tel Aviv University. Her parents came to visit her from the exclusive Artists' Village where they live. Lili introduced a friend. The friend: How do you do?  Father: "Are these gender studies also rotting your brain?" 

She mentions her family, of the Old German Jewish elite. The grand-uncle founded the Technion, aunt Trude is a known painter. A friendly girl warned her to hide these details because boys are easily intimidated.

A gentleman should never read the intimate diary of a young girl, but isn't it fascinating? I never paid two seconds of attention to the sentiments of anybody, less than all of the crying girls. Goodness gracious! I am growing sentimental (=senile)! 

P.D.: There is no anonymity on the internet. I found out - easily - her name and the name of his father, who is a professional copywriter. Lili's only problem is that she is taller than average Israeli boys. I understand it is a big problem for her. With this, hereby I am stopping reading her and her friends' chitchat. 

P.D.: 12-11-21 She writes    EDSחחחחח אני אנמית ויש לי RainbowSmiling face with tear
That explains all. She is anemic and has EDS. That is why she complains of being too tall. No fun at all. I'll stop here.  

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Inclusive excellence at Harvard


The healthy fat-ass chocolate-skinned lady with good teeth is the person charged with bringing inclusive excellence (*) to Harvard University. Interviewed about what she had accomplished in her first 14 months, she talked about ... nothing. Oh yes, she recorded 500 hours of hearing Black students' complaints. About one hour per day. I wonder for how long Harvard will maintain this blatant fakery. The people in Harvard are extreme leftists, very much for equity, but not that stupid. On the other hand, she must have saved the faculty five hundred hours of having to deal with Black students' emotional accusations of ancestral racism and oppression, and loud emotional crying. Her contribution to Harvard is worth any salary she may be drawing. Priceless. My personal memories about Negresses are their strong muscles and vivid purple vulva. I worked a year in Nigeria. 

(*) "Inclusive excellence is a framework that embraces inclusivity and equity as foundational to the true excellence espoused in Harvard’s mission ".

Embraces what? Espouses what? Meaning what?

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Buying ICL

Potash: The $600 current price is above the $580 average for 2013.  Yes but discounting inflation?
 a dollar today is worth only 84% of a dollar in 2012.  And 2012-3 were years of Mr Doyle's magic monopoly. Anyway, price is increasing more than inflation, I shall keep hoarding ICL stock. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Sweets Factory


Working on a sweets factory. The cooking equipment will stand in the middle. The room will be full of chocolate and whipped egg albumina, that is why it needs so many drains. Yesterday I bought the competing product of Unilever, and found that it is 51% sugar. Children love it.  

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Yom Mooledet (Birthdays)


We celebrated the birthdays of two grandkids in a park in Harish. 

At home went to sleep my siesta and dreamed of Hungary after its liberation by the Red Army. The Communist government organized public trials against Zionist leaders, and hanged Rajk who was no Zionist but Communist from a non-Soviet fraction. Rakosi and Gero were interrogating me and I told them that we Zionists had no interest at all in the regime and its intrigues, we had dollars from American donors, which were most valuable in post-WWII Europe. I proposed a discrete transfer of Hungarian Jewish survivors to Eretz Israel. They were interested and assigned me a side office to organize it.

All my life had this recurrent dream of saving Hungarian Jewry.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Talking abut INTEL

They had a very decent and profitable year, yet the stock fell 10%. The commenters say it is because of expectations, they have a large capex that will start to pay back in two years. INTEL is very cheap, compared with Taiwan Semi and others. I'd buy but I am much concerned about America as a country.  

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Underestimating China

Thomas Friedman latest column in the NYTimes:

 I used to worry that Xi’s big idea — “Made in China 2025,” his plan to dominate all the new 21st-century technologies — would leave the West in the dust. But I worry a little less now. I have great respect for China’s manufacturing prowess. Its homegrown chip industry is still good enough to do a lot of serious innovation, supercomputing, and machine learning.

But the biggest thing you learn from studying the chip industry is that all its most advanced technologies today are so complex — requiring so many inputs and super-sophisticated equipment — that no one has the best of every category, so you need a lot of trusted partners.

And if China thinks it can get around that by seizing Taiwan just to get hold of TSMC, that would be a fool’s errand. Many of the key machines and chemicals TSMC uses to make chips are from America and the European Union, and that flow would immediately be shut down.

Nope, you can’t make the best chips in the world today without silicon or trusted partners. And everything that Xi is doing — from Australia to Taiwan to Jack Ma — is driving them away. As one U.S. chip executive said to me of Xi, “The Chinese have replicated and mimicked,” but they have never created the kind of ecosystem like TSMC’s, “because there is no trust.”

It seems to me incredible that for the NYT - the most serious paper in the world - the Chinese are incapable of outcompeting INTEL and TSMC because the Chinese have no trust and cannot have trusted partners. The Chinese, he quotes, have replicated and mimicked, but have never created...". What an imbecility! It is almost racist...  One has only look at China 2021 (or better, to Chinese robots on the moon and Mars) to understand Chinese capabilities. To write that they cannot do it because they are untrustable is nonsense. It only points to the desperation of the American and world industry. Not long ago, the same was said about the Japanese, till they destroyed American electronic, photographic and auto industries.

I am not happy about the Chinese destroying INTEL but any action must be based on truth and reality, hard as may be, and never on racist phantasies.