Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Most Jewish of the Jews

They are the Samaritans. "Substantial genetic data indicate that Samaritans are the most 'Jewish' of Jews. They have the highest frequencies of the genes held in common across world-wide Jewish populations. "

 See PubMed Identification numbers 15300852 and 25079122."

Friday, May 11, 2018

Venezuela without Electricity and Water

The Communist legacy of Chavez  is gradually suffocating Venezuela. The water rich country has built its electricity production on large hydroelectric projects, but the reservoirs are empty because of prolonged drought. And Caribbean socialism.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

92 years old elected President of Malaysia

I think of myself as old old so it comes as a shock that a large and rich country, Malaysia, has elected a 92 years old politician to power. The man appears to be healthy without incipient signs of senility. Walks fast and speaks clearly. Has all his hair. Does it prove that I am mistaken about myself and I am just a baby?

Rectifying Right and Left

Spandrell rectifies the meanings of the words:

 "...the Left is the forces of chaos, led by sociopathic status maximizers (SSM), while the Right is the forces of order. Outside the theory, the Left is whatever gets called the Left, and the Right is whatever gets called the Right in a particular place and time."

Learned a new word: SSM.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

In Dalian

The Chinese and he North Korean Leaders are vacationing in Dalian. Since every detail has a deep meaning, the fact that Kim was served tea in a SMALL cup, may signify that he is less than welcome. There is no teapot on the table, so that's is it.


An architect is calling me thrice a day demanding to finish the plumbing plan for his project. I can't suffer him anymore. I was so tired that went to sleep on the sofa.

Que reviente!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Argentina: The run on the peso

On May 6 there was a run on the Argentina peso, that was stopped immediately by the Central Bank raising REPO interest rates to 40%. International interest rates are about zero, which illustrates the level of chaos in Argentina's finances.

I know bunches of solid, hardworking, decent Spanish and Italian people in Argentina, I find no reason for its chaos and instability.

P.S. Argentine finance minister Dujovne (a relative?) traveled to New York to beg Madam Lagarde (IMF) for a 30 billion dollar loan.