Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Black Man is Sexier

We have to recognize that there is unavoidable competition among different varieties of one species, and in the case of mammals, competition among males for fertile females.

Black men are taller, more muscular, stronger than other varieties, and they have the largest sexual organs. They are also more aggressive and daring, and able to improvise brilliant conversation easier than introspective, timid, intellectual peoples. They also have superior sense of rhythm and music, deeper and more masculine voice. Apparently, in their evolution, they underwent strong sexual selection, and acquired the genes that make the girls want them.

Therefore, for the white man there is only one way to compete with the black. Avoiding competition on the dance floor. The rest will be left unsaid. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Dysgenic Trends in Iceland

The minor allele of one of these SNPs, rs192818565, is associated with reduced education. It is known to tag the H2 haplotype of a common inversion on chromosome 17 that was shown to exhibit characteristics consistent with having been positive-selected (). It has subsequently been shown that H2 is also associated with reduced intracranial volume (, ) and neuroticism (). Combining our male and female data, the minor allele of rs192818565 is significantly associated with more children (P = 5.2 × 10−3) and having children earlier (P = 2.2 × 10−3). This is thus a striking case where a variant associated with a phenotype typically regarded as unfavorable could nonetheless be also associated with increased “fitness” in the evolutionary senseSource. 

G. Cochran writes that we are seeing in front of our eyes evolution of IQ, so it follows that there are differences among living populations, and also we shall discover them in dead - historical  - populations.  I think all the debate about dysgenic trends in Western populations is finished and we should focus on how to digest this knowledge.

The Communist Party (see Yefim Lysenko's case) and the Left fought and are fighting the idea of IQ evolution. The Nazis with their fake Race Science provided them with a powerful alibi (and constituency) that inhibited the advance for a hundred years.  The whole thing is very badly positioned in the West and we can only say, like Galileo, that "eppur si muove".


P.S.:  Continuing the above point, let me observe that there are many illustrations of the above dysgenic trend. Just to mention one:

Two oil paintings by renowned Icelandic painter Gunnlaugur Blöndal (1893-1962), were removed from the Central Bank of Iceland after one staff member complained. Blöndal  painted most of his nudes in the 1930's and 1940's. The removal of the painting has caused some uproar as it only features a bare breasted woman and because Blöndal is one of Iceland's most celebrated artists. 

"Certain warning lights start blinking when people are offended by what we call classical imagery," says director of the National Gallery of Iceland, Harpa Þórsdóttir. 

Wildfire Bankrupts US Largest Electricity Company

Power provider PG&E Corp filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Tuesday, succumbing to liabilities stemming from wildfires in Northern California in 2017 and 2018. It listed assets of $71.39 billion and liabilities of $51.69 billion, in a court document filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California.
No one knows from the where the next blow will fall. American judicial system is as dangerous as it is unpredictable. No one escapes it capricious vengeance.  

Tailings Dam Collapse in Brumadinho: Two Engineers Arrested

"Três funcionários da Vale diretamente envolvidos e responsáveis pelo licenciamento da barragem que se rompeu em Brumadinho e dois engenheiros terceirizados que atestaram a estabilidade ..." Three Vale officers and two engineers responsible for the stability permit of the dam..." were jailed today. The operation was carried out by the Ministério Público de Minas Gerais (MPMG), the Ministério Público Federal (MPF) and the Polícia Federal (PF) as well as the Promotoria de Justiça da Comarca de Brumadinho, a Coordenadoria das Promotorias de Justiça de Defesa das Bacias dos Rios da Velha e Paraopeba, o Grupo de Atuação Especial de Combate ao Crime Organizado (Gaeco), e Grupo Especial de Promotores de Justiça de Defesa do Patrimônio Público (GEPP). GAECO is the special group to combat organized crime. 

Poor engineers.

The mayor of the state capital Belo Horizonte, Alexandre Kalil, said "Vale's board of directors should be in jail". The comments came after state prosecutors said they had frozen a total of 11bn reais ($2.9bn; £2.2bn) of assets belonging to Vale.
Access to the areas is difficult - in some places, the mud is up to 15m (49ft) deep. An Israeli group of engineers, doctors and members of the navy's underwater missions unit has joined the efforts.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Enduring Grandfatherhood

I married late and my daughters are also marrying late so I am now an old grandfather. Today went to pick up one grandchild from the kinder because the mother was in the hospital. She is studying for the Master and the exams are coming, and she started vomiting and feeling ill. She is pregnant. My wife and I am the substitute parents, and at my age, it is not easy. We cleaned her apartment and prepared some food. I feel in my bones that modern life is the enemy of big families. Or even small families. Only isolating ourselves from secular education, career, friends, etc. and sacrificing the possibility of making money  - like the religious - are we able to have children. For the first time in history, there is plenty of food, but life is not easy. 

Friday, January 25, 2019

Chimps are better hunters than humans

Chimp males form themselves into hunting parties of up to eight animals and trap jungle mammals with incredible efficiency. Hunting expeditions are generally successful and catch up to three Colobus monkeys, to the point that chimps are exterminating them.  There are also war parties organized to attack razzia-like neighboring groups, in order to increase the territory and to kidnap young females. Human ancestors were trapped in the dry side of the large Rift Valley and developed bipedal mobility and invented butchering instruments. I always imagined chimps to be like dwarves, but they measure 1.20 to 1.50 meters, weighting 40 - 60 kg, which is comparable to humans. I look at the people in the street, and there are many of the 1.30 - 1.60 m group. Chimps are stronger than three weightlifters together. The humans sharing the same rainforest environment became pygmies, not much more intelligent than the chimps: a comparative study would be interesting. Do pygmies also wage war?

 When pondering the goals and methods of human activities, we should try to think their equivalent in chimps, which being simpler and more obvious, offering better insights. For example, what triggers the formation of chimp war parties? When and how the group decides that the time has come to raid the neighbors?  

Thursday, January 24, 2019

RED-DEAD project failed

With typical phantasioner overoptimism, Shimon Peres envisioned numerous infrastructure projects that would wave a network of common - unbreakable - interests between Israel and the neighboring countries. The Sinai gas pipeline, that would solve Egypt's energy scarcity and promote its industrialization. The pipe was laid down and worked for a while, till  ISIS sabotaged it. Cairo has no effective forces in the Sinai nor in the rest of its vast territory. On the map, Egypt extends over a million, but it has no power out of Cairo.

Having learnt this painful lesson, we made a re-appraisal of the Red Sea - Dead Sea pipeline hydroelectrical project. Does the King of Jordan exert effective rule along the 220 kilometer pipe? Israel has decided to retire from the project, and compensate the breaking of the contract with a large payment in currency and drinking water. A very costly fuckup.

We are following the American model of Nation-building for the benefit of our neighbors, but we have even less success than the Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan. We organized friendly political forces in South Lebanon, but they turned out deadly enemies. We tried to make Gaza a self-governed political entity so we could make peace with them. Absolute failure. The Palestinian State, another Israeli invention, is a comic opera. Thus, the potential of the 450 meter fall of the Dead Sea valley will continue unexploited, till the Moshiach comes.