Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Black Man is Sexier

We have to recognize that there is unavoidable competition among different varieties of one species, and in the case of mammals, competition among males for fertile females.

Black men are taller, more muscular, stronger than other varieties, and they have the largest sexual organs. They are also more aggressive and daring, and able to improvise brilliant conversation easier than introspective, timid, intellectual peoples. They also have superior sense of rhythm and music, deeper and more masculine voice. Apparently, in their evolution, they underwent strong sexual selection, and acquired the genes that make the girls want them.

Therefore, for the white man there is only one way to compete with the black. Avoiding competition on the dance floor. The rest will be left unsaid. 


  1. Bullshit.

    Blacks were never able to beat whites in armes combat throughout known history. Whites were able to defeat Subsaharan Blacks more or less everywhere that tropical diseases were not a factor.

    In boxing, blacks enjoyed a brief dominance and are now being squashed by East Europeans in all weight classes. Not to mention wrestling, Judo and MMA. In strength sports such as powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, strongman competition, blacks have not particularly distinguished themselves.

    No comment about the brilliant conversation-there are plenty of popular rap videos available for you to test the truth of that statement.

  2. In a mixed high school or college, black males get more than share of girls than whites or Asians (Asians get nothing). I think that white concern about blacks around white girls has some foundation.

    1. This is only the case in places like America, where every commercial,TV show and movie promotes the idea of the desirability and high status of black males. It is certainly not the case absent such promotion-for instance, you don't see anything like it in Israel.

    2. You should get out of your hilltop ghetto and visit Israel, my dear friend. Only two days ago there was a massive demonstration of love for the Ethiopians. One of them attacked with a knife a policeman, and was shot because the color of his skin. Police brutality, like in the US.
